The daughter of Goldilocks is Blondie Lockes and she rules the boarding school’s gossip mill. She’s chosen to align herself with the Royals as well. The Ever After High Blondie Lockes Fashion Doll wears a dress featuring the three bears on the skirt portion. She comes with a lock purse,...
146 【美泰儿】 ..Ever After High is a fashion doll franchise released by Mattel in July 2013. It is a companion line
Doll #3 1 Batman Forever (1995) Nancy Garcia Elena Dale 1 Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child (1995) Andrew MacArthur Ant / Huckster 1 Showgirl Murders (1996) Táska Cleveland Gerda 1 Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child (1995) Gary Lazer Rocky ...