events_stages_current参数 51cto EventSystem 处理输入、射线和发送事件。 在Unity场景中EventSystem主要负责加工和处理事件,一个场景只能有一个EentSystem EventSystem类 静态属性: current :获取当前的EventSystem EventSystem里面有一个List,current会返回第一个EventSystem 属性 currentSelectedGameObject:当前属于活动状态的物体...
events_stages_current history history_long的区别 event和match的区别,1.事件对象 event 就是一个事件对象,写在侦听函数的小括号里面,当作形式参数来看。事件对象只有有了事件才会存在,它是系统给我们自动创建的 The events_stages_current Table The events_stages_current table contains current stage events. The table stores one row per thread showing the current status of the thread's most recent monitored stage event, so there is no system variable for configuring the table size. ...
10.5.1 The events_stages_current Table The events_stages_current table contains current stage events. The table stores one row per thread showing the current status of the thread's most recent monitored stage event, so there is no system variable for configuring the table size. ...
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10.5.1 The events_stages_current Table The events_stages_current table contains current stage events. The table stores one row per thread showing the current status of the thread's most recent monitored stage event, so there is no system variable for configuring the table size. ...