In reply, DG of IP advised that for each calendar year, he planned on the basis that there would be two visits to North America; two visits to Europe; one visit to Korea and Japan; one visit to Australia and Singapore; one visit to India/Gulf; and one visit to a secondary market (...
‘Beetlejuice’ is a film that almost happened 30 years ago. Hot after the success of the first film, director Tim Burton was keen to do a follow-up – but then it all got put on the backburner when himself and his leading man Michael Keaton were asked to join the Batman universe. ...
C Beach volleyball was born in California,USA in the 1920s.At that time it was just a pleasure at sea.It didn’t become a formal event of the Olympic Games until 1992.Beach volleyball is one of those sports that can be an exciting game to play and watch。It's really easy,and ...
Collection of famous and memorable historical events happened around the world in the year 1704, nicely categorized month wise and many more.
Collection of famous and memorable historical events happened around the world in the year 1960, nicely categorized month wise and many more.
In particular, on 16 October 2020, a well-documented flooding event happened in Cayenne under calm weather conditions. Our probabilistic assessment of daily maximum water levels superimposed on SLR shows that this event can be modelled and is a consequence of SLR. As sea levels will continue to...
amazing opportunities, and I’m just so grateful, so truly grateful to be doing this,” she said. “I look back and it just shows all my hard work and dedication and blood and sweat I put into this sport, and all the downs that happened made it all worth it to get me to...
That’s what happened to some insurers in the United States, including parts of California prone to wildfires andparts of Florida prone to flooding. In Montreal, after the floods of early August, there are questions about whetherinsurers could limit their coverageat some point in the future. ...
Collection of famous and important historical events that happened around the world in April - 01, nicely categorized in years and many more.
Collection of important, popular, famous and memorable historical events happened around the world in the year 1682, nicely categorized month wise and many more.