I confess that I never watch the red carpet pre-show simply because of the vacuous banter ("Whoare you wearing tonight?") but in general, outrageous attention-getting outfits were not on display. The ladies all looked very glamorous and most of the male stars were nattily attired in tradit...
We run social events for JavaScript developers and enthusiasts in Edinburgh. All ability levels are welcome. Come along to meet, learn and network. Upcoming events Tue 11th Mar 2025 - March Meetup Design Systems using Tailwind for JS Devs Tue 13th May 2025 - May Meetup TBC Tue 10th Jun ...
May 21st, Tuesday, reading (PJ & NP) at Edinburgh University. May 22, Wednesday, presentation of vol. 4 of Poems for the Millennium anthologies (The University of California Book of North African Literature) anthology at CCA Center for Contemporary Arts, Glasgow. May 23-24, Thursday / Friday...
It costs just £2 per single fare so it’s really good value when you factor in everything you’re likely to save on petrol and parking. All buses on the X4 route are fully accessible and modern so you can make the journey in comfort, and because you’re minus the car, you don’...
At the Edinburgh Fringe Festival? You may want to check out The OS Map Fan Club, an hour-long solo performance about Ordnance Survey maps that sounds relevant to our interests. Written and performed by Helen Wood, The OS Map Fan Club has been making the fringe and festival circuit this ye...
at Edinburgh Castle (950 Geary, SF), 9pm, $5-15 (sliding scale). July 15, 2005 -- Julia will be performing at Sizzle, the Erotic Open mic and Spoken word series. Other features include Katastrophe, Judith Halberstam, The Urban Hermit, and a screening of Full Load. $5 (or $3 if...
Hi Tim, I saw you in Cardiff and I have never laughed so much in all my life, please please pleaseeeeee come back! (soon if possible). Phill Gillespieon 20th of June 2007 Hey Tim, How come you are not coming back to Edinburgh this year? Most disappointed… The Fringe won’t be qu...
011 5714 1000 SHEFFIELD 011 4360 0200 IRELAND +353 CORK 02 1234 8000 DUBLIN 01 443 3000 LIMERICK 06 174 8000 WATERFORD 05 134 7000 JAPAN +81 050 5532 3400 MEXICO +52 055 8421 9400 NEW ZEALAND +64 WELLINGTON 04 889 0000 POLAND +48 02 2389 6500 SCOTLAND +44 EDINBURGH 013 1208 0000 GLA...
12 April 18h Philosophers in the Library: Lectures and discussion (no experience necessary) Our new series in the library starts off with Darren Frey On God and Evil: The History of Theodicies. Darren Frey graduated in Philosophy at the University of Edinburgh and in Religious ...