This highly acclaimed series remains a significant contribution to historical television dramas from this decade. The Last Bastion is a television mini-series which aired in Australia in November 1984. It is a docudrama telling the story of Australia's involvement in World War II, and its o...
the GermanicHoly Roman Empireand the papacy, Mieszko battled the expansive tendencies of the former—a record that dates from 963 refers to a struggle with the German dukes—while he sought reliance on Rome, to which he subordinated his state in a curious document, theDagome iudex(...
It's easy to say the world wouldn't be where it is today without the significant events that transpired throughout the 20th century. These important ...
The tours would include seminars, lectures, group meetings and visits to the Kashi Vishwanath temple and centres of important Tamil cultural heritage in Varanasi. The knowledge partners for the programme would be IIT-Madras and the Banaras Hindu University, while the Uttar Pradesh government would be...
'Among the Righteous: Lost Stories of the Holocaust's Long Reach into Arab Lands' at Nessah Educational & Cultural Center. Call 310.273.2400 This event is open to the public and is free of charge. 7 pm. More... two short films:The Tip and Hassan by Kamran Mashayekh - Apr 15,07 Film...
Trump will bring a breath of fresh air to America, a new attitude. Trump will make us proud to be an American again. Trump will “make America great again.” joe-bidenLeave a comment THIS MONTH IN HISTORY – DECEMBER Many historically-significant events have occurred during the month of De...
This highly acclaimed series remains a significant contribution to historical television dramas from this decade. The Last Bastion is a television mini-series which aired in Australia in November 1984. It is a docudrama telling the story of Australia's involvement in World War II, and its o...
This highly acclaimed series remains a significant contribution to historical television dramas from this decade. The Last Bastion is a television mini-series which aired in Australia in November 1984. It is a docudrama telling the story of Australia's involvement in World War II, and its o...
This highly acclaimed series remains a significant contribution to historical television dramas from this decade. The Last Bastion is a television mini-series which aired in Australia in November 1984. It is a docudrama telling the story of Australia's involvement in World War II, and its often ...
Why These Movies Are Worth Going Back to the 80's:Chronicling Australia’s involvement in World War II,The Last Bastionoffers an engrossing account of political intrigue and wartime strategy through engaging performances from a talented cast. This highly acclaimed series remains a significant co...