This highly acclaimed series remains a significant contribution to historical television dramas from this decade. The Last Bastion is a television mini-series which aired in Australia in November 1984. It is a docudrama telling the story of Australia's involvement in World War II, and its oft...
Smithsonian Traveling Exhibition Exploring The Green Book History Coming to Holocaust Museum Houston 3 mins Read Arts+Events New at the MFAH Kinder building this Fall + Advanced Schedule for Fall 2023 6 mins Read 8 Arts+Events White Linen Night in the Heights 1 min Read 13 Arts+Even...
The ‘Black Indies’: The North East Connections With The Slavery Business.Slavery and Abolition and People of African Descent in the North East. Part 2. 2020. £2 The Day Of Jubilee Is Come – Campaigning Against The Slave Trade And Slavery In The North East.Slavery and Abolition and Pe...
It's easy to say the world wouldn't be where it is today without the significant events that transpired throughout the 20th century. These important ...
'Among the Righteous: Lost Stories of the Holocaust's Long Reach into Arab Lands' at Nessah Educational & Cultural Center. Call 310.273.2400 This event is open to the public and is free of charge. 7 pm. More... two short films:The Tip and Hassan by Kamran Mashayekh - Apr 15,07 Film...
The Twitter #MeToo movement has been characterized as an angry mob, out for revenge. However, several lines of research warrant a critical evaluation of this characterization: (1) social movements are often delegitimized; (2) anger is an inconsistent response to sexual assault; and (3) preli...
The return of the Rosette Stone to Egypt would mean a significant boost to the tourism industry in Egypt, which is a major source of income for the country's suffering economy, About the stone: The Rosetta Stone is a 2,200-year-old granodiorite stele having inscriptions of the same text ...
According to Wikipedia, January 1, New Years Day, is the most celebrated holiday worldwide. Many historically-significant events have occurred on this date as well as on other dates during the month. Please see below. 1/1/1502 – Portuguese explorers, led by Pedro Alvarez Cabral, landed in...
theHolocaust. With the fall of theThird Reich, Poland effectively lost its independence again, becoming a communist satellite state of theSoviet Unionand experiencing nearly a half century of totalitarian rule, though not without challenges from Polish workers. In May 1989 the Polish government fell...
History of Liberia, a survey of the notable events and people in the history of Liberia. The country is located in western Africa along the Atlantic coast. Liberia’s terrain ranges from the low and sandy coastal plains to rolling hills and dissected pla