Widespread mainly among adolescents, this phenomenon seems to entail some changes in the ways of reading and writing, on the design used, and the cognitive and social skills needed in this type of communication. Just like traditional letters have a specific format; messages that are sent via a...
VidaClubeComemoraçãoContemporâneoConversaConversandoCultura JovemCurtiçãoDescansoDiversãoDiversidadeDjEntretenimentoEvento SocialHolofotesIluminação AmbienteIluminadoJuntosLocal De MúsicaLuzes De LaserLuzes De NeonModaMulherMúsicaNoite ForaPessoasReunião SocialSocializarUrbanoVida NoturnaVídeo ...
The objective of this study is to analyze the perception of the residents of the city of Valencia on the social impact of the Trinidad Alfonso Valencia Marathon and to identify the factors in which the indicators of perceived impacts are grouped. A sample of 391 residents...