这两个插件分别是Eventide Blackhole Immersive以及Eventide MicroPitch Immersive。 被重新设计的经典声音Eventide Blackhole Immersive! Eventide Blackhole Immersive作为DSP4000的预置程序,其丰富的声音和受欢迎的程度变成了Eventide硬件产品线中的主要算法之一,相信这也是让很多人第一次记住Eventide的原因。 它挥之不去的谐波...
Eventide Artist Spotlight: Exploring Immersive with Zach Szydlo scheps “Blackhole Immersive isn’t just a multichannel version of Blackhole, it’s a gravity well of ambience where the entire space is coherent (if you want it to be) and crazy, just like you expect.” ...
2023年10月25日,纽约 - Eventide 在 AES NY 展会(622展台)宣布推出两款独具特色的 Eventide 沉浸式音频插件:Blackhole Immersive 和 MicroPitch Immersive。两款全新的插件从根本上为了环绕声和沉浸式工作流程设计,包括杜比全景声。Blackhole Immersive 扩展了 Eventide 超现实混响立体声版本的标志性声音,涵盖到整个沉浸...
这两个插件分别是Eventide Blackhole Immersive以及Eventide MicroPitch Immersive。 被重新设计的经典声音Eventide Blackhole Immersive! Eventide Blackhole Immersive作为DSP4000的预置程序,其丰富的声音和受欢迎的程度变成了Eventide硬件产品线中的主要算法之一,相信这也是让很多人第一次记住Eventide的原因。 它挥之不去的谐波...
Eventide发布两款全景声插件 Eventide Audio 宣布推出 Blackhole Immersive 和 MicroPitch Immersive 这两款新插件,为其广受欢迎的混响和音高变换调谐延时处理器提供环绕声和沉浸式音频,包括杜比全景声支持。 https://www.prettysound.net/blackhole-immersive.html https://www.prettysound.net/micropitch-immersive.html...
The Eventide Blackhole Immersive is a remarkable and highly acclaimed reverb effects plugin that has garnered a reputation for its unparalleled ability to create otherworldly and immersive sonic environments. Developed by Eventide, a renowned name in the world of audio processing and effects, Blackhole...
Download nitroflare https://nitroflare.com/view/EDDC25A5CE299E8/Eventide.Blackhole.Immersive.v1.3.0-R2R.rar Download 百度网盘 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1MQC4VZ8Q91tPYyzcNLF4GA?pwd=84tt提取码: 84tt
Eventide Audio have announced the launch of Blackhole Immersive and MicroPitch Immersive, a pair of new plug-ins which bring surround and immersive audio (including Dolby Atmos) support to their popular reverb and pitch-shifting/detuning/delay processors. The new offerings deliver the same sonic per...
Blackhole Immersive 专为沉浸式、杜比全景声和环绕声工作流程而设计,将 Eventide 立体声版本的标志性声音扩展到整个沉浸式混音中。用作发送或插入时,Blackhole Immersive 既尊重又响应您精心选择的音轨定位。 从微妙的氛围到大规模的衰减,您可以创造和塑造听众的沉浸式体验——他们感受到什么、何时以及在何处感受到。警...
Blackhole is an awesome‑sounding, dense‑yet‑transparent ambient reverb, and the immersive version lets you tailor the sound in incredible detail across the entire multi‑channel array. It’s more CPU‑hungry than many other multi‑channel reverb plug‑ins, but if you want huge, lu...