Objective : To approach the cognitive function and the correlation between neuropsychological test and event - related potential P 300. 目的: 探讨抑郁症患者的认知功能特点,神经心理学测验与事件相关电位P300的相关性. 互联网 展开全部 行业词典 药学 ...
网络事件相关的电位 网络释义 1. 事件相关的电位 ERP是什么意思_... ... [=estrogen receptor protein] 雌激素受体蛋白 [=event-related(brain)potential]事件相关的(脑)电位... zh-cn.oldict.com|基于 1 个网页
想象一下,你的大脑如同一座精密的交响乐团,每一次神经脉冲的跃动都在产生独特的电波。这就是事件相关电位(Event-Related Potential, ERP),它揭示了大脑对特定事件的即时反应,通过脑电图的解读,为我们揭示了大脑活动的微妙世界。这些电势波动,如同乐谱上的音符,通过数据叠加平均,为我们揭示了认知过程...
定义:事件相关电位为大脑对某一事件(一个刺激或反应)反应后表现在脑电图中的相关电势(电压),通常通过叠加平均提取。 分类:诱发电位的分类⽅法有多种:根据刺激通道分为听觉诱发电位、视觉诱发电位、体感诱发电位等;根据潜伏期⻓短 分为早潜伏期诱发电位、中潜伏期诱发电位、晚(⻓)潜伏期诱发电位和慢波。常...
LDAEP is a parameter with potential clinical value since subgroups of patients with a serotonergic dysfunction can be identified and can be treated more specifically. In depressed patients, a significant relationship between strong LDAEP, indicating low serotonergic function, and a favorable response to...
Anevent-related potential(ERP) is the measured brain response that is the direct result of a specific sense|sensory, cognition|cognitive, or motor system|motor event.<ref name="Luck">Luck, Steven J. (2005). An Introduction to the Event-Related Potential Technique. The MIT Press. ISBN 0-26...
York: Event-related potential methods in social cognition. In A. Voss, C. Stahl, & C. on cognitive electrophysiology, Event-Related Potentials: A Methods Handbook and Brain Signal Analysis: Advances in Bioelectric and Biomagnetic Methods. ...
Synonyms Evoked potentials Definition An event-related potential is an electrical brain response, recorded via electroencephalography, time-locked to a particular stimulus or event. External visual and auditory stimuli are commonly used in ERP research. In order to isolate the response to the particula...
事件相关(诱发)脑电位(event-relatedbrainpotentialERP) 与声音、闪光、触击等刺激相应的头皮电位变化,也称诱发电位(evokedpotential,EP)。它比自发脑电位EEG,幅度要小得多,只有几微伏,频率通常在0.02Hz~40kHz。诱发电位ERP有多种,如听觉诱发电位AEP、视觉诱发电位VEP、体感诱发电位SEP和认知诱发电位CEP等。ERP的潜伏...