在Windows 操作系统中,eventvwr.msc 是用于打开事件查看器(Event Viewer)的命令行工具。事件查看器用于查看系统、应用程序和安全事件的日志,这些日志有助于诊断系统问题和追踪操作记录。 事件查看器中的每个事件都有一个唯一的事件 ID,这些 ID 用于标识特定的事件类型
Error Raw Data from event Viewer: 435045521002FFFFFFFF010001000000020000001001000016220900160616140000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000BDC407CF89B7184EB3C41F732CB5713166A4613D40AB9A40A698F362D464B38F40034D401B86D801020000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000C8000000480000000003000000000000962A...
Note: Alternatively, tracing can be enabled or disabled by using Event Viewer.Event Details展开表 Product: Windows Operating System ID: 1 Source: Microsoft-Windows-Winsock-WS2HELP Version: 6.0 Symbolic Name: AFD_EVENT_CREATE Message: Socket creation: %1 %2 %3 %4 %5...
windows事件查看器event viewer检查曰志的方法来源:小鸟云计算ps小鸟云,国内专业的云计算服务商windows系统下用户有时会遇到主机自动重启,资源异常,应用程序错误等现象,可以使 用操作系统自带的事件查看器检查对应的事件进
EID(事件ID)列表示事件的ID。事件ID从1开始分配,并在每次调用API时递增。因此,action EID通常不是连续的,因为在两者之间有状态设置事件,这些事件也具有EID。 只需单击不同的事件即可将其选为当前事件,而选择带有某些子事件的条目将如同选择了最后一个子事件一样-换句话说,选择具有多个子事件的节点将显示已发生的...
Event Viewer 中出现的错误 - “ID20: Windows 更新客户端 9NCGJX5QLP9M-AppUp.IntelMediaSDKDFP” 环境 操作系统 Windows® 10, 64-bit* DCH 驱动程序 说明 更新到 DCH 显卡驱动程序 Windows 事件日志注册一个错误 ID 20:Windows 更新客户端 9NCGJX5QLP9M-AppUp.IntelMediaSDKDFP...
Event Viewer tracks information from several different logs. These logs provide detailed information that includes: A description of the event. An event ID number. The component or subsystem that generated the event. Information, Warning, or Error status. ...
(S-1-5-18) from address LocalHost (using LRPC) running in the application container Unavailable SID (Unavailable). This security permission can be modified using the Component Services administrative tool.d Source: Microsoft-Windows-DistributedCOM Event ID: 10016 Description: The application-specific ...
Event ID 1008Symbolic name: MALWAREPROTECTION_MALWARE_ACTION_FAILED Message: The antimalware platform attempted to perform an action to protect your system from malware or other potentially unwanted software, but the action failed. Description: Microsoft Defender Antivirus encountered a...
I have got this warning "Intel(R) I211 Gigabit Network Connection Network link is disconnected" in Event Viewer with Event ID #27. It happening right after each boot, in fact it's first even of each boot! During small investigation i find that if i change ...