Triggering an event causes the action associated with the event to be performed. The specified context string is passed to the target of the action: If the action is to run an add-on (visEvtCodeRunAddon), the string is passed in the command line string sent to the add-on. ...
Workflows in Global Navigation Building Workflows Events Survey Response Event Ticket Event Survey Definition Event ServiceNow Event JSON Event API Usage Threshold Event Salesforce Workflow Rule Event XM Directory Funnel Event Health Connect Event Zendesk Event iQ Anomaly Event Experience ID Segments Event...
This is one of the key benefits of uvm_event. Along with the event triggering, data can be passed, this data can be retrieved at wait for the event trigger. Syntax to declare uvm_event#(T) // T - user defined data type uvm_event class declaration in uvm library, ...
Each event type has a set of properties that are included as part of event's data wherever it is sent. You can view these properties and build rules for triggering actions based on their values in the PlayStream tab of the Game Manager....
A reference shaft (2) on the side of a shaft (1) generating energy is allocated a signal-triggering device kept under pre-tension and moving axially but locked by rotary movement after a shaft fracture and subsequent twisting in the shaft, so that the signal-triggering device moves towards ...
BUT, I don't think it accounts for triggering said event. so even if I'm following everything right from that, it won't actually trigger the event. I guess I'd need to figure out that part. How do you set up the animation in QSprite? zerobeat032 Something, Something Zero...
TriggeringUserNamesträngEget namn på initieraren för körningsstatusändring. TypsträngNamnet på tabellen WorkspaceIdsträngUnik arbetsyta identifer. WorkspaceNamesträngAnvändarvänlig arbetsyteidentifierare. Feedback Var den här sidan till hjälp?
Li, M.C. The triggering effect of gravity wave on heavy rain. Sci. Atmos. Sin. 1978, 02, 201–209. (In Chinese) 25. Liu, J.; Wang, W. Characteristics of gravity wave during a rainstorm process. J. Arid Meteorol. 2010, 28, 65–70+75. (In Chinese) 26. Ma, Z.F. The ...
Additionally, the LQR control is also applicable in different control problems, as given in [20–23]. So, the above-mentioned work encouraged us to further expand the methodology of the leader-following MAS with the centralized event-triggering controller to regulate the speed of the networked ...
It should be pointed out that the control input in (18) is determined by the position errors and velocity errors between the j-th robot and the i-th robot at the event-triggering time. 3.3. Convergence Analysis In order to illustrate the position and velocity consensus for the multi-robot...