出版年:2004-9 页数:164 定价:$ 202.27 ISBN:9780387230436 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 推荐 内容简介· ··· Event-Triggered and Time-Triggered Control Paradigms presents a valuable survey about existing architectures for safety-critical applications and discusses the issues that must be considered...
Event-triggered and time-triggered control paradigms [M]. New York: Springer, 2005.R. Obermaisser, "Event-Triggered and Time-Triggered Control Paradigms," Kluwer Academic, Boston, 2004.Obermaisser, R. (2004). Event-Triggered and Time-Triggered Control Paradigms, Springer- Verlag TELOS....
当当中国进口图书旗舰店在线销售正版《【预订】Event-Triggered and Time-Triggered Control Y9780387230436》。最新《【预订】Event-Triggered and Time-Triggered Control Y9780387230436》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等相关信息,尽在DangDang.com,网购《【预订】Even
传统上,人们倾向于设定一个固定的周期来触发这些更新(即时间触发控制,Time-trigger control),这种控制方式的特点是拥有固定的更新频率,被称为周期性控制(Periodic control)。理论上,只要这个周期足够短,就能够确保满足大多数控制需求。 然而,无论是从理论层面还是实际应用来看,并无强制规定必须采用周期性控制。实际上,...
Traditional Event Triggered (ET) architecture is not predictable in nature due to the presence of sporadic events and asymmetric interrupts. So after developed, testing and validation of the system becomes very complex. Time Triggered (TT) architecture is predictable because it is not dependent on ...
5. continuous-time direct event-triggered control 在本节中,我们提出了一个基于连续时间输出控制器的示例性事件触发控制问题,并将事件触发控制系统建模为脉冲系统。 这个特定的设置基于 [26],但使用本说明将提到与相关方法的连接。 A. Problem Formulation ...
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not blank, thie event will be triggered when the sms delivered, this event may be triggered after a quite long time - depends on the network status. rexsee.com 调用send()函数后,如果id不为空,当短信发送到接收 方 时触发, 注意, 触 发该 事件 可能需要较长时间,取决于网络状况。 rexsee.com...
immediately triggered with the Session and when each event triggered . javakaiyuan.com 能够立即知道那一个用户与Session触发 的每 一个 事件 和什么时 候触发 的。 javakaiyuan.comEach IRQx has a register used to set the trigger mode of the interrupt event. The trigger mode can be selected as...
In industrial communications, there is a high demand for flexibility as well as dependable and timely communication. There are two main paradigms for setting up a distributed real-time system, the time-triggered and the event-triggered approach. While the time-triggered approach is more rigorous an...