ADMX_LinkLayerTopologyDiscovery ADMX_LocationProviderAdm ADMX_Logon ADMX_MicrosoftDefenderAntivirus ADMX_MMC ADMX_MMCSnapins ADMX_MobilePCMobilityCenter ADMX_MobilePCPresentationSettings ADMX_MSAPolicy ADMX_msched ADMX_MSDT ADMX_MSI ADMX_MsiFileRecovery ADMX_MSS-legacy ADMX_nca ADMX_NCSI ADMX_Netlogon...
NSOpenGLLayer NSOpenGLPixelBuffer NSOpenGLPixelFormat NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute NSOpenGLProfile NSOpenGLView NSOpenPanel NSOpenSaveCompare NSOpenSaveExpandingEventArgs NSOpenSaveFilename NSOpenSaveFilenameConfirmation NSOpenSaveFilenameEventArgs NSOpenSavePanelDelegate NSOpenSavePanelDelegate_Extensions NSOpenSave...
createProxy,创建代理对象 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制Cloud Studio 代码运行 ignoreProperties = /^([A-Z]|returnValue$|layer[XY]$|webkitMovement[XY]$)/, function createProxy(event) { var key, proxy = { originalEvent: event } for (key in event) if (!ignoreProperties.test(key) &&...
gnetsells itself as a high-performance, lightweight, non-blocking, event-driven networking framework written in pure Go which works on transport layer with TCP/UDP protocols and Unix Domain Socket , so it allows developers to implement their own protocols(HTTP, RPC, WebSocket, Redis, etc.) of...
}else{return$.proxy(fn[context], fn) } }else{thrownewTypeError("expected function")//抛出异常:要求的函数类型错误} }varreturnTrue = function(){returntrue}, returnFalse= function(){returnfalse}, ignoreProperties= /^([A-Z]|returnValue$|layer[XY]$)/,//匹配 大写字母A-Z开头/returnValue/laye...
* single navigable. Each browsing context has a corresponding WindowProxy object, as well as the following: * * - An `opener browsing context`, a browsing context or null, initially null. * - An `opener origin` at creation, an origin or null, initially null. ...
Data OperatorException OperatorHandler OperatorUtility OptimizedEditor<TIndividual> OptimizedPropertyDrawer<TIndividual> OptimizedReflection Or OrHandler OverrideLayer<T> OverrideStack<T> PackageEventListener PackageVersionUtility Page ParameterStringMode PathUtility Paths PerSecond<T> PlatformUtility Plugin Plug...
Web Proxy 18131 Indicates that a web connection was proxied. 1 VoIP Opened 18132 Indicates that a Voice Over IP (VoIP) connection was established. 1 VoIP Closed 18133 Indicates that a VoIP connection was closed. 1 VoIP Reset 18134 Indicates that a VoIP connection was reset. 3 VoIP Terminated...
Yes, it would be simpler. But that would get things wired directly in sd-bus, completely bypassing sdbus-c++ layer, which would break all the guarantees provided by sdbus-c++. So we have to have our own integration (and this integration is very similar to the one in sd-bus, but uses ...
return compatible(proxy, event) } zepto 中,事件触发的时候,返回给我们的 event 都不是原生的 event 对象,都是代理对象,这个就是代理对象的创建方法。 ignoreProperties 用来排除 A-Z 开头,即所有大写字母开头的属性,还有以returnValue 结尾,layerX/layerY,webkitMovementX/webkitMovementY 结尾的非标准属性。