Plot of the Coefficient Relative to Implementation Time 示例2 文献来源 Shen, Y., & Sun, W. (2023). The effect of low-carbon city pilot on energy consumption behavior: Evidence from China Appendix B. Supplementary data【Stata】 示例代码 staggered DID use "cityforcarbon.dta",clear global cc...
xtevent ln_w age c.age#c.age ttl_exp c.ttl_exp#c.ttl_exp tenure , pol(union) w(3) cluster(idcode) xteventplot xteventplot, noci
ChartEvents_DragPlotEventHandler ChartEvents_Event ChartEvents_MouseDownEventHandler ChartEvents_MouseMoveEventHandler ChartEvents_MouseUpEventHandler ChartEvents_ResizeEventHandler ChartEvents_SelectEventHandler ChartEvents_SeriesChangeEventHandler ChartEvents_SinkHelper ChartFillFormat ChartFormat ChartGroup ChartGroups Cha...
LICENSE did_imputation.ado did_imputation.sthlp event_plot.ado event_plot.sthlp five_estimators_example.png did_imputation Event studies: robust and efficient estimation, testing, and plotting This is a Stata package for Borusyak, Jaravel, and Spiess (2023)...
PlotArea Point Points ProtectedViewWindow ProtectedViewWindows Protection PublishObject PublishObjects QueryTable QueryTableClass QueryTables QuickAnalysis Range Ranges RecentFile RecentFiles Rectangle Rectangles RectangularGradient RefreshEvents RefreshEvents_AfterRefreshEventHandler RefreshEvents_BeforeRefreshEventHandl...
* Install here coefplot, ftools, reghdfe, plot schemelocalgithub https://raw.githubusercontent.comssc install coefplot, replace ssc install ftools, replace ssc install reghdfe, replace net install scheme-modern, replace from(`github'/mdroste/stata-scheme-modern/master) set scheme modern* Load ...
This method is available in both Stata and R software. Keogh and Morris [5] have adapted SMC-FCS to allow for the presence of time-varying effects and proposed an algorithm to allow for model selection with time-varying effects. White and Royston [3] recommend the inclusion of the event ...
Survivorplot forMen (declineslater) Survivorplot forWomen (declinesearlier) IntegratedHazard:Marriage •CompareIntegratedHazardforwomen,men: Nelson-Aalencumulativehazardestimates,bydfem analysistime 050100 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 dfem0 dfem1 IntegratedHazardfor ...
joineRML is a new software package developed to fill a void in the joint modelling field, but is still in its infancy relative to highly developed univariate joint model packages such as the R package JM [28] and Stata package stjm [47]. Future developments of joineRML intend to cover se...
All analyses were performed in STATA Version 15.1 (Stata Corp., College Station, TX) and cumulative incidence functions graphical display for the composite endpoint, and the individual components of the composite were done in R-version 3.61. 3. Results 3.1. Baseline characteristics Descriptive ...