How to create an event marketing plan One big question that always comes up is how far in advance you should promote your event. The exact timing really depends on the size and type of event you’ll be hosting. For example, you might promote an annual business conference 6-12 months in...
In this particular example,Oracle’sevent marketing tactics focused on pivoting to a “reimagined” version of their normally in-person conference. To keep their momentum alive as social distancing prevented large in-person gatherings, Oracle promoted a series of virtual events and also highlighted co...
For example, if you’re in the business-to-business world (B2B), you could host a training or webinar on your area of expertise. If you offer marketing services, you could run your event to educate your audience on a specific tool or strategy. If you’re a bakery or a restaurant th...
For example, you might be looking for senior directors of companies in specific industries to attend your trade show. By targeting that audience across social media or viaads on events search engines like Eventbrite, you can ensure your event will be full of the people you’re looking for. B...
Event Plan Example Most of us have some experience planning an event, be it at home, work or in our community. For this article, let’s focus on large events. A conference is a common type of large event, so for our event management purposes, let’s talk about a TEDx conference that...
Once you’ve got this information, segment your audience into distinct groups based on shared characteristics. This helps you tailor your messaging and marketing efforts to resonate with each segment. For example, if you’re hosting a tech conference, you might have segments for developers, market...
Event marketing can help you: Increase brand awareness.Retail eventscan help you reach potential customers you otherwise couldn’t. For example, running apop-up shopat a temporary retail space or joining a trade show to connect with consumers who are already interested in your field of expertise...
Social media contests are a perfect example of this. Whether it be an online scavenger hunt, daily challenges, or livestreaming meetups, there are so many ways to not only bring people together online but get them fired up in a little friendly competition. ...
Reminder For Promotional Plan Example: Custom fields, task types, task status, etc. In the template can be customized, and you can adjust them according to the corresponding scene. Ask for help: If you have problems during the use of the template, please contact the Tracup team. RELATED RES...
This event email does a great job of capturing that vitality. It’s focused around a key graphic and you can get a good idea about the topic of the event at just a glance! It’s a great example of how to use graphics in your emails. ...