本文提出了一种新型的knowledge base--Event Logic Graph(ELG),能揭示现实世界事件的进化模式和发展逻辑。具体来说,ELG是一个有向循环图,它的节点是事件,边表示事件之间的顺序关系、因果关系、条件关系或上下位关系(“is-a”)。我们构建了两个领域的ELG:金融领域ELG,它由超过150万个事件节点和180万个有向边组成...
ExCAR first acquires additional evidence information from a large-scale causal event graph as logical rules for causal reasoning. To learn the conditional probabilistic of logical rules, we propose the Conditional Markov Neural Logic Network (CMNLN) that combines the representation learning and ...
Enterprise Knowledge Graph Event Grid domains domains/ eventSubscriptions extensionTopics namespaces namespaces/ partnerConfigurations partnerDestinations partnerNamespaces partnerNamespaces/ partnerRegistrations partnerTopics partnerTopics/ systemTopics systemTopics/ topics topics/ topicTypes verifiedPartners (Api versions...
Contact Name Microsoft URL Microsoft LogicApps SupportMicrosoft Power Automate SupportКестені кеңейту Connector Metadata Publisher Microsoft Website https://azure.microsoft.com/services/event-grid/Creating a connectionThe connector supports the following authentication types:К...
logic.fluent.models com.azure.resourcemanager.logic.models com.azure.resourcemanager.machinelearningservices.fluent com.azure.resourcemanager.machinelearningservices com.azure.resourcemanager.machinelearningservices.models com.azure.resourcemanager.machinelearningservices.fluent.models com.azure.resourcemanager.maintenance...
Create a connection using a LogicApps Managed IdentityThis is shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, connection is shared as well. For more information, please see the Connectors overview for canvas apps - Power Apps | Microsoft Docs...
RAPIER is a bottom-up learning algorithm that incorporates techniques from several inductive logic programming systems. We have implemented the algorithm in a system that allows patterns to have constraints on the words, part-of-speech tags, and semantic classes present in the filler and the ...
The System.Console class makes use of custom logic for both custom initialization and permission demands. Console exposes the static CancelKeyPress event, which is raised when the Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Break key combinations are used in the console. Typically these will terminate the process, but if ...
Enterprise Knowledge Graph Event Grid domains domains/ eventSubscriptions extensionTopics namespaces namespaces/ partnerConfigurations partnerDestinations partnerNamespaces partnerNamespaces/ partnerRegistrations partnerTopics partnerTopics/ systemTopics systemTopics/ topics topics/ topicTypes verifiedPartners (Api versions...
To create a Microsoft.EventGrid/topics resource, add the following Bicep to your template. Bicep Copy resource symbolicname 'Microsoft.EventGrid/topics@2020-01-01-preview' = { location: 'string' name: 'string' properties: { inputSchema: 'string' inputSchemaMapping: { inputSchemaMappingType: ...