this.eventLog1 =newSystem.Diagnostics.EventLog(); ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.eventLog1)).BeginInit(); // // Service1 // this.CanPauseAndContinue =true; this.CanShutdown =true; this.ServiceName ="MyWindowsService"; ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.eventLog1)...
选择“运行”,在运行对话框中输入cmd,进入到命令行窗口,输入cd :/WINDOWS/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v2.0.50727,进入到这个目录,然后输入installutil F:/project/考试系统/项目代码/Service/GradeService/GradeService/bin/Debug/GradeService.exe, installutil后边的内容就是我们的...
; // - Event message parameters - ; // Language independent insertion strings ; // *** MessageId = 5002 Severity = Success Facility = Application SymbolicName = EVENT_LOG_SERVICE_NAME_MSGID Language=English SVC_UPDATE.EXE . 備註 使用這個方法可將當地語系化專案寫入事件記錄檔,並使用已...
; // - Event message parameters - ; // Language independent insertion strings ; // *** MessageId = 5002 Severity = Success Facility = Application SymbolicName = EVENT_LOG_SERVICE_NAME_MSGID Language=English SVC_UPDATE.EXE . Remarks Use this overload to configure a new source for writing...
C:\Windows\System32\winevt\Logs 文件夹是Windows操作系统中存储事件日志文件的默认位置之一。它的起源可以追溯到Windows Vista和Windows Server 2008等较新版本的Windows操作系统。在这些版本中,Windows引入了事件日志服务(Event Log Service),用于记录系统、安全和应用程序等方面的事件信息。
./Device/Vendor/MSFT/Policy/Config/EventLogService/SpecifyMaximumFileSizeSecurityLog 此策略设置指定日志文件的最大大小(以 KB 为单位)。如果启用此策略设置,则可以将最大日志文件大小配置为介于 20 兆字节 (20480 kb) 和 2 TB (2147483647 kb) 之间,以千字节为单位递增。 如果禁用或未配置此策略设置,日志文...
; // - Event message parameters - ; // Language independent insertion strings ; // *** MessageId = 5002 Severity = Success Facility = Application SymbolicName = EVENT_LOG_SERVICE_NAME_MSGID Language=English SVC_UPDATE.EXE . 注解 属性InstanceId 唯一标识已配置事件源的事件条目。 对于消息资源...
Set the value to service_wineventlog. Name String Yes The name of the channel from which you want to collect event logs. Default value: Application. This value indicates that event logs are collected from the Application channel. You can view the full name of a channel in the Windows ...
The event log Group Policy settings in Windows Server® 2003 are still supported on Vista. However, if the new Group Policy settings for the Event Log Service are also specified, they take precedence. Maximum log size (KB) This policy setting specifies the maximum sizes of the log files. ...
MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog\DNS Server\CustomSD,1,%DNSCustomSD%,2 MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog\File Replication Service\CustomSD,1,%FRSCustomSD%,2 Add the following lines to the [Strings] section: ...