I checked the Event Viewer and found the following logs: Event ID 41 (Critical - Kernel-Power): Indicates an unexpected shutdown. Event ID 3 (Kernel-EventTracing Error): Appeared multiple times, possibly related. I’m unsure what’s causing this....
Event Xml: <Event xmlns='http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event'><System><Provider Name='Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-EventTracing' Guid='{b675ec37-bdb6-4648-bc92-f3fdc74d3ca2}'/><EventID>32</EventID><Version>0</Version><Level>3</Level><Task>3</Task><Opcode>0</Opcode...
Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-EventTracing/Admin Error Code 3221225864 Win10p64b V1809(OS Build 17763.55) Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-PnP/Device Configuration Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power Event ID: 508 The system has been constrained to a periodic tick Microsoft-Windows-LiveId/Operational Microsoft-Windows-Res...
Source: Kernel-EventTracing/Admin Event ID: 2 Session "" failed to start with the following error: 0xC0000022 This article addresses only this specific error that occurs when NIC Teaming is being used. This error is not the fault of the third-party WMI provider. Additionally,...
EVENT_TRACING_FATAL_ERROR Bug 检查的值为 0x0000011D。 此 Bug 检查表示事件跟踪子系统遇到意外的致命错误。
DUMMYUNIONNAME3.DUMMYSTRUCTNAME.LargeMdlPagesDUMMYUNIONNAME3.DUMMYSTRUCTNAME.ExcludeKernelStackDUMMYUNIONNAME3.V2OptionsNot used.RemarksThis structure behaves similarly to EVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES with a few exceptions.The beginning of the structure is defined exactly as EVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES to allow this...
1 Warning from Kernel-EventTracing: "The maximum file size for session "PerfDiag Logger" has been reached. As a result, events might be lost (not logged) to file "C:\Windows\system32\WDI\LogFiles\ShutdownPerfDiagLogger.etl". The maximum files size is currently set to 20971520 by...
事件消费者(Event Consumer): 事件消费者是一个应用程序,它订阅事件提供者生成的事件,并对这些事件进行处理。事件消费者可以实时处理事件,也可以将事件保存到日志文件中以供离线分析。为了实现事件消费者,开发者需要完成以下任务: 订阅事件:事件消费者需要订阅一个或多个事件提供者的事件。订阅过程通常包括指定事件提供...
Then ran the h2incx utility on each of them and put them together in an EventTracing.inc file I havent done any testing on it, so it may require editing to add in missing stuff, or take out duplicates or other conflicts, but should make a good starting point for use with Event Traci...