Facebookx.comLinkedIn電子郵件 列印 發行項 2024/02/27 意見反應 本文內容 語法 成員 備註 規格需求 另請參閱 定義事件的相關信息。 語法 C++ typedefstruct_EVENT_HEADER{USHORT Size; USHORT HeaderType; USHORT Flags; USHORT EventProperty; ULONG ThreadId; ULONG ProcessId; LARGE_INTEGER TimeStamp; GUID ...
Size事件记录的大小(以字节为单位)。HeaderType保留。Flags提供有关事件信息的标志,例如记录事件的会话类型以及事件是否包含扩展数据。 此成员可以包含以下一个或多个标志。展开表 值含义 EVENT_HEADER_FLAG_EXTENDED_INFO EVENT_RECORD 的ExtendedData 成员包含数据。 EVENT_HEADER_FLAG_PRIVATE_SESSION 事件已记录...
Device Info http_header_user_agent client_user_agent No The http_header_user_agent is required if the Default Action Source is set to Website in your configuration settings. Please see Facebook’s documentation for details. Custom Mappings mParticle’s Facebook integration supports custom mappings...
Facebookx.com 共享LinkedIn电子邮件 打印 项目 2024/02/26 本文内容 语法 成员 注解 要求 另请参阅 定义必须在检测清单中定义的筛选器数据之前的标头数据。 语法 C++ typedefstruct_EVENT_FILTER_HEADER{USHORT Id; UCHAR Version; UCHAR Reserved[5]; ULONGLONG InstanceId; ULONG Size; ULONG NextOffset; } ...
For native applications, first generate a header file that contains the event definitions from the manifest so it can be included in the provider code. Then use the ETW APIs to write the events designed previously. This is the process: Run the Message Compiler (mc.exe) on the manifest ...
输出时,TRACE_LOGFILE_HEADER结构,其中包含有关会话和运行会话的计算机的一般信息。 BufferCallback 指向BufferCallback函数的指针,该函数接收每个缓冲区 ETW 刷新的缓冲区相关统计信息。 ETW 在传递缓冲区中的所有事件后调用此回调。 此回调是可选的。 BufferSize ...
Hi,I have come across the following problem several times now. From one day to the next, users can no longer log on to their workstations. Error The user is...
Requirements RequirementValue Minimum KMDF version1.0 Minimum UMDF version2.0 Headerwdfdevice.h (include Wdf.h) See also WDF_POWER_POLICY_EVENT_CALLBACKS Feedback Was this page helpful? YesNo Provide product feedback| Get help at Microsoft Q&A...