eTDheeDscersicprtiipotnioonf othf ethAe NANNN TheThbeacbkacpkropproapgaagtiaotnionalgalogroitrhitmhmisisaasusuppeerrvvisiseeddlleeaarrnniinngg mmeetthhooddbbaasseeddoonnththeecocommmmonolnylyusuesded steespteeesptedstesdceesncetnmt emthetohdodtotomminiinmimizizeegglolobbaalleerrrroorrss [[...
Max 1 SD 1 SD 50% 50% -1 SD -1 SD M in M in Max Max 1 SD 1 SD 50% 50% -1 SD -1 SD M in M in Triple-well NMOS Triple-well NMOS (a) (a) Common NMOS Common NMOS Triple-w ell NM O S Triple-w ell NM O S (b) (b) Common NMOS Common NMOS FiguFFriiegguu7rr....
tHhoewDeEvEeKr,Ain, eathche mDaEnEaKgAem, eancthnomdaenraeggeamrdesnthneordeseidrueaglarednsertghyevraersiaidnucaeloefnitesrgnyeigvhabrioarnnceodoefs iats onneiegohfbtohrenoopdteims iazsatoionne oobf jethcteivoepsttimo sizealeticotnitsoabsjescistitvaenst ntoodsesle. cStpietscifiascsailsltya...
Assuming the coordinate of node si is (xi, yi, zi) and the Euclidean distance between si and point p(x,y,z) is d(si, p) = (x − xi)2 + (y − yi)2 + (z − zi)2, then the probability that point p is perceived by node si can be presented, as shown in Equation (...
TT hohbeesyye srsvhheoodww aeenddd aa s ggimoooouddla aateggdrre edeeammtaee,nn mtt ffaooinrr lttyhh eefo ccroo hmmigpphaa rriiesstoounnrn oo ffp ttehhreieo ppdees aakk flfloow(w10 ff0rr ee≤qq Tuuree nn≤ ...
NNooddeesswwiitthhlleessss rreellaattiivvee ssooiill mmooiissttuurree ccoonntteennttcchhaannggeesswwhhiicchhiinnddiiccaatteelleessssrraaiinnwwiillllddoowwnnggrraaddeerroouutteesstthhrroouugghhrreeggiioonnss wwiitthh hhiigghh rreellaattiivvee ssooiillmmooiissttuurree ccoonntteenntt cchhaanngg...
(2) ∑SEV = N_event i=1 (Vsim,i − Vobs,i )2 (3) where Q is the daily flow; V is the volume of selected rainfall-runoff events; N is the number of daily time steps; sim represents simulated; obs represents observed; i is the time step index; N_event represents the number...