Just before the computer shuts down,shutdown.exewill record the shutdown event in the Windows System log with a Source=User32 and event ID 1074 along with any custom message & reason code. The event log is the only way to tell that a reboot triggered fromshutdown.exeis pending. The eve...
The File Replication Service has detected that the staging path for the replica set %1 has changed. Current staging path = %2 New staging path = %3The service will start using the new staging path after it restarts.The service is set to restart after every reboot. It is recommended that...
Just before the computer shuts down, shutdown.exe will record the shutdown event in the Windows System log with a Source=User32 and event ID 1074 along with any custom message & reason code.The event log is the only way to tell that a reboot triggered from shutdown.exe is pending. ...
A newly promoted Windows Server 2008 R2 Domain Controller writes the following two Application Event Log errors after its first reboot:.NET Runtime Optimization Service (clr_optimization_v2.0.50727_64) Log Name: Application Source: .NET Runtime Optimization Service Date: 8/11/2009 1:53:26 ...
the computer’s screen instantly turns black or white with a scratching noise in the background & no errors or alarm, then the computer freezes forcing the user to hard reboot, and on boot, the Kernel-Power Event ID 41 Task 63, Kernel-Power Event ID 41 error, The system has rebooted ...
I read some people have reboot issues. I used to have that prior to a Windows update last November. Now everything seems fine. My current driver version is, coming from Translate 0 Kudos Copy link Reply GContente Beginner 01-17-2024 12:56 AM ...
Have been fighting with this error for 2 weeks and have followed multiple Microsoft suggestions without success. Symptoms: Mostly the computer just shuts down and reboots.. not even a BSOD, no minidump files. I have even done a fresh installation of Windows 11 (clean install) a...
privatestaticintWM_QUERYENDSESSION =0x11;privatestaticboolsystemShutdown =false;protectedoverridevoidWndProc(refSystem.Windows.Forms.Message m){if(m.Msg==WM_QUERYENDSESSION) { MessageBox.Show("queryendsession: this is a logoff, shutdown, or reboot"); systemShutdown =true; }// If this is WM_...
EventHandler(typedef for callback function) IEventHandler(interface) TheAceButtonclass contains the logic for debouncing and determining if a particular event has occurred. TheButtonConfigclass holds various timing parameters, the event handler, code for reading the button, and code for getting the ...