lv_eventid= lv_enter->eventid.ENDIF.*只有在[回车]事件的时候,再进行检查(19:代表回车事件)IFlv_eventid =19ANDsy-ucomm =''.IFp_mmvds ='X'.*设置供应商描述字段和物料描述字段PERFORMset_name1_maktx.*设置后,alv稳定刷新PERFORMrefresh_table_alv.*添加行项目检查(多频次包装基础表)PERFORMcheck_lin...
ABAP ALV I_CALLBACK_USER_COMMAND:ALV User Command Subroutine(子程序),实现对应菜单项及相应事件功能I_CALLBACK_TOP_OF_PAGE:ALV抬头内容信息...: 禁用行选择 NO_TOOLBAR 1 类型 LVC_TOOLB CHAR 1 0 ALV 控制: 隐藏工具栏 GRID_TITLE 1 类型 LVC_TITLE CHAR 70 0 ALV 控制...
石头 3月 8, 2017 ALV 8,802 views 0 在GUI Status加入自定义按钮后,可以通过注册事件(event) 'added_function',并且在对应的handler method中写入相关逻辑,来实现点击按钮后的逻辑。事件added_function是在类cl_salv_events中,事件注册代码:*... §6 register to the events of cl_salv_table DATA: lo_...
_alv->get_event( ).CREATE OBJECT o_events.*... §6.1 register to the event USER_COMMANDSET HANDLER o_events->on_user_command FOR lo_events.handler 方法的代码:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 * 事件class CLASS lcl_handle_events DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS: on...
append xfc to ifc. Call ABAP List Viewer (ALV) call function 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY' exporting i_callback_program = repid i_callback_user_command = 'HANDLE_USER_COMMAND' it_fieldcat = ifc tables t_outtab = itab. endform. *** FORM handle_User_Command * *** form handle_user_comm...
Assuming that you have already provisioned your Advanced Event Mesh Broker service within your BTP Tenant, you will be facing user interfaces such as below when you have done for the first time(subject to change with the new versions, but the idea is the same) Let’s return back to our ...
Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact, October 3, 2016 9:14 AMI concur with Alvwan suggestion.Moreover, please check this article too ...
If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact Tuesday, March 22, 2016 2:23 PM After running the command: cd\windows\system32 lodctr /R I am still finding the errors in the Directory Service event log on a Windows Server 2012 Version 6.2 that I ...
Solved: Hi guys, I am using the CL_GUI_ALV_GRID class to display a report in SAP 4.7 When the user click on refresh, on the standard ALV toolbar, I need to delete some