在我们的程序发生的一些情況, 我們称之事件, 将该事件及當时相关的参数, 连结到某个函数, 称为绑定, 当事件发生, 就会调用该函数. 事件有关的内容分为三大部份, 事件 event, 回调函数 callback 以及绑定 binding. 绑...
Oh. :) Is there a way of binding the event just to the window itself, or should I just check that the widget referenced in the 'event'? [update: not even sure how I'd do this anyway, since the widget returned in the event "is not" the root widget] Jeff Epler #4 Jul 19 '...
事件(event):是指点击、按键等操作,在tkinter中,event是一个类,当某个事件发生时,生成一个event对象,不同类型的事件生成具有不同属性的event对象。事件处理(eventhandler):是指在捕获到事件后,程序自动执行的操作,是回调函数(recall function)。事件绑定(eventbinding):是当一个事件发生时程序能够做出响应。tkinter提...
Python35-32\Lib\idlelib \MultiCall.py", line 374, in event_add widget.event_add(self, virtual, seq) File "C:\Users\Francesca\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35-32\Lib\tkinter \__init__.py", line 1503, in event_addself.tk.call(args)_tkinter.TclError:bad event type or keysym ...
import sys from Tkinter import * widget = Button(None, text='Hello', command=sys.exit) widget.pack() widget.mainloop() Related examples in the same category1. Binding an event with an event handler 2. Associating arguments to an event-handler function 3. Sharing Information Between Even...