Obtaining Images:Particularly for the network devices that you intend to simulate like JunOS, Juniper and Cisco IOS, you must get the software images. To employ these images, remember that you should have a legitimate claim. Uploading Images to EVE-NG:To the EVE-NG environment, upload the acq...
(this is noted in the documentation). Due to the licensing restrictions, the authors of the project cannot post direct links to images on their website, but in reality, any image can be found on the internet by using keywords. If you work in a systems integrator company, that’s not a...
3. BEFORE starting any nodes on ASW1,ASW2,DSW1,DSW2 select the Layer2 IOL image that is present in your eve. 4. click More actions/Start all nodes Comments (28)Comments Here is your EVE-ng Help January 9th, 2020 Inbuilt Images and TS Tickets in EVE-NG. Just add ova file in VMwa...