Under the current mechanics, when players participate in such activities, their security status is reduced. Once a player's security status falls below certain thresholds, they will be hunted by the Empire faction police when entering a high security system. Any cloaking device fitted to their shi...
41、iserRCU Reactor Control Unit (加船的 Power Grid 用) RE 精炼效率 Refining EfficiencyRoF 攻击速度 Rate of FireSco Scordite 矿石Scram WAR防碍装置 Warp scramblerSS 个人的安全水平 : 警方(+1.0)-(-1.0) 大海盗Security StatusSL 星系安全水平: 请看“关于防盗”贴子 SecurityLevelScorp Scorpion 战舰SB...
The increased Federal presence within Intaki has caused the system's security status to begin increasing. Intaki's security status has increased from 0.1 to 0.2. Intaki V is now labelled as Intaki V (Intaki Prime) in capsuleer user interfaces. The Caldari Navy's presence within the State'...
For this to work we are adding a "Requires Attention" filter to the "Status" dropdown in the "My Contracts" tab of the "Contracts" window. Clicking any of the Contracts window front page messages like "You have x contracts that require attention" or "Your corp has y contracts in progre...
etc/systemd/system Don't cache the giant static dump file, restart the service on failure Jun 17, 2017 evepraisal Set concurrency to 1 Aug 15, 2023 legacy Lint all the things Nov 27, 2017 management Add direct backup option instead of going through HTTP (much faster) ...
The security status of every pilot in the corporation is averaged and then multiplied by the log of the number of pilots of the corporation. corp_security_level = avg(sec_status) * log(memberCount) I don't like my pilot/corporation/alliance being listed on your website, remove it now!
root@eve-ng:~# dpkg -l eve-ngDesired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold|Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required(Status,Err:uppercase=bad)||/ Name Version Architecture Description ...
Afhankelijk van de versie van Windows en de versie van de desbetreffende toepassing, worden afzonderlijke updates mogelijk niet geïnstalleerd. Lees de afzonderlijke artikelen, zodat u kunt nagaan wat uw updatestatus is. Hotfixes
System.Security.HostProtectionException: er is geprobeerd een bewerking uit te voeren die is verboden door de CLR-hosten een van de volgende frames bevat in de uitzonderingsstacktracering: System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256Managed.. ctor() ...
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