下面开始正文,超级冬眠者储藏站(Superior sleeper cache)是EVE里最困难也是收益最高的数据(Data)信号,我敢说在整个EVE里都没有多少人会挖,懂的怎么挖这个信号,该信号可在所有高安,低安以及00扫到。出产大约2E价值的冬眠者零件(2017年4月25号的价值,大约5分之1卡),以及数量不等的势力蓝图和T2偏振蓝图,总价值...
百度贴吧 聊兴趣,上贴吧 立即打开 打开百度贴吧 综合 贴 吧 人 直播 相关吧 查看更多 eve吧 关注57.3W eve欧服吧 Calmebullfrog 超级冬眠者储藏站全攻略(Superior sleeper cache)本人也算是个eve资深探险迷了,在我完完全全的萌新时期,就敢开着imicus这种垃圾船去stain,catch盗墓,当然最后的下场自然是很惨烈,船...
Superior Sleeper Cache – A little sentry that could - Corwin - 13:34 05-Mar-15 Standard Sleeper Cache , Take #2 - Corwin - 13:18 03-Mar-15 New Eden Mining Eve Online Mining: Future of the Rorqual not improving - Resa Moon - 20:20 22-Sep-16 Eve Online Mining: Remembering the ...
A new, hard to find exploration site can be found across all of New Eden. Be on the lookout for the lucrative but challenging Superior Sleeper Cache. Graphics: Introduced new asteroid belt environments featuring non-minable rocks, field fog, and crepuscular rays. Created "Light Rays" and "As...
Cloaking systems of the sleeper cache sites have begun malfunctioning, divulging the locations of some of lucrative caches in the sleeper inventory. Bring your relic analyzers and your sharpest wits because hacking and archaeology expertise will only get you so far. Sentries, environmental damage and...
12301329 eve欧服吧 Calmebullfrog 超级冬眠者储藏站全攻略(Superior sleeper cache)本人也算是个eve资深探险迷了,在我完完全全的萌新时期,就敢开着imicus这种垃圾船去stain,catch盗墓,当然最后的下场自然是很惨烈,船蛋双飞。但是成功的几次也为我带来了好几e的isk收入,从此在偷猎和盗墓的路上一发不可收拾,现在想...
15551 eve欧服吧 Calmebullfrog 超级冬眠者储藏站全攻略(Superior sleeper cache)本人也算是个eve资深探险迷了,在我完完全全的萌新时期,就敢开着imicus这种垃圾船去stain,catch盗墓,当然最后的下场自然是很惨烈,船蛋双飞。但是成功的几次也为我带来了好几e的isk收入,从此在偷猎和盗墓的路上一发不可收拾,现在想想...
Sleeper Cache High End Exploration Sites and Polarized Weapon Modules Rhea will bring Standard and Superior versions of the Sleeper Cache high-end exploration sites, where you can find the new Polarized weapons that have some great benefits but reduce your resists to zero. Read about these mysterio...
大概多少 分享9赞 eve欧服吧 Calmebullfrog 超级冬眠者储藏站全攻略(Superior sleeper cache)本人也算是个eve资深探险迷了,在我完完全全的萌新时期,就敢开着imicus这种垃圾船去stain,catch盗墓,当然最后的下场自然是很惨烈,船蛋双飞。但是成功的几次也为我带来了好几e的isk收入,从此在偷猎和盗墓的路上一发不可...
(势力战争之后有2本官方小说,有兴趣的完全可以一看,再加上关于势力战争之后的历史讨论也比较多,我就不在这个帖子说明了) 本帖子的内容来源于官方编年史以及数篇官方背景小说,主干是官方时间线,我个人保证资料来 261241142 eve欧服吧 Calmebullfrog 超级冬眠者储藏站全攻略(Superior sleeper cache)本人也算是个eve资深...