卖家如果是支付20美元转移人物的话,那一般10小时之后这个转移过程就会完成;如果卖家是通过联系GM支付ISK的方式,那么这个转移时间就会变长很多(貌似是1000ISK,1个星期,我不确认)。如果卖家对转移时间有要求,一定要提前跟卖家把这点商量好,否则万一耽误了事就不美好了。那看,就这么简单。欢迎来到宁静服. Fight well ...
New Eden’s economy revolves around ISK (Inter-Stellar Kredit), a universal currency which fuels each and every one of EVE’s market transactions. From bounties, to taxes, to profits, all hail the mighty ISK. You can also choose to purchase PLEX for us
PLEX687.987.147,06 Single-crystal Superalloy I-beam621.293.664,52 Pyerite6126,68 Liquid Ozone5911.896,30 Micro Auxiliary Power Core I58845.506,90 Tritanium5710,94 Support the site.Get your Omega codes here. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at ...
1. EE is sustainability-oriented, maintaining a healthy circulation of currencies (PLEX and ISK) on the market. 2. EE adheres to the monetization guidelines of EVE Online, avoiding the sale of products that will influence the balancing system. 3. EE aims to ensure the stability of economic ...
最完美最安全毫无破绽..同帐号建个小号,开到吉他,领PLEX,卖之本水饺真是太聪明了目前的问题在于 同一个帐号的角色能否互相转钱?建小号应该不是问题注意 一定要先开到吉他,再退游戏领PLEX,千万不要领了PLEX再开到海4,否则损失惨重,可不要怪我水饺哥
话说isk比例真的是这个话,世界要多出不少亿万富豪啊 来自Android客户端11楼2019-02-26 09:34 收起回复 没有名字的翅膀 我爱打捞 5 然而买plex花的是实打实的欧元啊 来自Android客户端12楼2019-02-26 11:12 回复 _墨尔卡娜_ 后勤支援 11 这都是06年的时候的老梗了 13楼2019-02-26 11:14 回复...
戴眼镜的亮仔 行星菜农 8 22年4月放弃国服转战欧服,起步时氪PLEX卖,价格是500plex/14亿,现在价格是500plex/24.5亿,自己算。 13楼2024-01-12 08:36 收起回复 切尔姆索兰 行星菜农 8 人民币保值还是黄金保值 来自Android客户端14楼2024-01-16 09:55 回复 ...
The Jita PLEX Market gives you the ability to trade PLEX for ISK and vice versa. All transactions go through the Jita 4-4 market where players can browse and create PLEX sell & buy orders. In addition, you can browse and modify/cancel outstanding PLEX orders and browse your PLEX transactio...
EVE Online - 1500 PLEXcontains content that is unrated and may not be appropriate for all ages. To continue, please provide your date of birth MM DD YYYY Back to StoreContinue Add-On CN¥464.68 Buy Now Add To Cart Add to Wishlist ...