All COSMOS items have been added to the exploration Data sites loot tables. Hunt down and defeat the Serpentis in Operation Frostline Target sites Graphics: Visual Damage System - Your ship will now display a shield when taking damage, if your attacker gets through your shields you will see l...
The time begins counting down as soon as the SKIN is activated. It will count down in real time from that point onwards until it expires. If you activate a Time-Limited SKIN while you already have an active copy, it will add the specified amount of time on to the existing time left. ...
守夜者级蓝图 – Vigil Blueprint 探索级蓝图 – Probe Blueprint 爆发级蓝图 – Burst Blueprint 裂谷级蓝图 – Rifter Blueprint 艾玛-Amarr 刽子手级蓝图 – Executioner Blueprint 巨神兵级蓝图 – Tormentor Blueprint 惩罚者级蓝图 – Punisher Blueprint 检察官级蓝图 – Inquisitor Blueprint 磨难级蓝图 –...
循环时间)及其T2衍生型A:MagnateC:HeronG:ImicusM:Vigil2也可以直接用战 斗船如果高槽正好可以空一个下来III扫描方法如果你已经准备好了上面所需的技 能和装备,下面我们就可以开始扫描了1.首先出站,然后在太空中按F10,显示 星图,如果显示的是全宇宙的星图的话,点击图示红色按钮,转换为星系图2点 ...
EVE中英文对照表 EVE中英文对照表 PAGE EVE中英文对照表 EVE中英文对照表 搜索方式:ctrl + F 输入关键词,按回车。 +制造和研究 - Manufacture amp; Research +ORE – ORE 克洛基石Crokite斜克洛基石Sharp Crokite 克洛基水晶Crystalline Crokite +冰矿Ice Ore蓝冰矿Blue ice 清冰锥Clear icicle 黑闪冰Dark glitt...
Gallente伊米卡斯级蓝图因卡萨斯级蓝图 Incursus Blueprint毛鲁斯级蓝图 Maulus Blueprint特里斯坦级蓝图 Tristan Blueprint纳维达斯级蓝图 Navitas Blueprint阿特龙级蓝图 Atron Blueprint米玛塔尔- Minmatar伐木者级蓝图 Slasher Blueprint分裂者级蓝图 Breacher Blueprint守夜者级蓝图 Vigil Blueprint探索级蓝图 Probe Blue...
EVE中英文对照表 搜索方式: ctrl + F 输入关键词,按回车。 +制造和研究 - Manufacture amp; Research +ORE – ORE 克洛基石 Crokite 斜克洛基石 Sharp Crokite 克洛基水晶 Crystalline Crokite +冰矿 Ice Ore 蓝冰矿 Blue ice 清冰锥 Clear icicle 黑闪冰 Dark glitter 富清冰 Enriched clear icicle 加里多斯...
Hunt down and defeat the Serpentis in Operation Frostline Target sites Graphics: Visual Damage System - Your ship will now display a shield when taking damage, if your attacker gets through your shields you will see localized armor damage. ...