Sell (550 orders) Buy (178 orders) RegionStationPrice (ISK)QuantityVolume Min. qtyExpiresFirst seen Lonetrek 0.7 Akiainavas III - School of Applied Knowledge 8,01 4.999 / 4.999 499.90000000000003 m3 1 03/19/2025 17:10:33 12 hours ago The Citadel 0.7 Sankkasen VII - Moon 6 - Science ...
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EVE Online ISK AllT Tranquility (ISK) EVE ISKandEVE PLEX, the unique currency in EVE Online, enables you to become owners of great items, which you can then sell to players or in the internal exchange market. As the economic system of the game is primarily based on exchanges between playe...
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Average Sell (5%): 473k ISK Sell Volume: 59.61K Average Buy (5%): 447k ISK Buy Volume: 24.82K Average Margin: 26.1k ISK Sellers Region▴ Quantity▴ Price▴ Location▴ Jumps▴ Expires In▴ Last Modified▴ - 8 423,500.00 ISK 0.1 Irmalin VIII - Moon 13 - Royal Khanid Navy...
4.买家在尝试购买角色时发送的 ISK 被视为属于他,直到所购买的角色交付到他选择的帐户。如果角色销售未完成,则必须将ISK全额退还给潜在买家。5.被出售角色的所有者负责向CCP支付角色转让费。【转让细节补充】1:在转移角色之前必须暂停所有技能训练,因为在具有活动技能队列时无法转移角色。2:出于安全原因,所有角色转移...
Sell orders are other Capsuleers offering to sell their items for ISK and buy orders serve as the opposite - pilots putting down ISK in advance if you have the right item to sell to them. Most trading activity takes place in and around the market hub known as Jita 4-4, though other,...