Now that you are equipped properly for your journey, it is time to start searching for appropriate Wormhole. To do that, you will have to open your Probe Scanner window, launch your probes in pinpoint formation, and start scanning down Cosmic Signatures. The Scanning Process Once you identify...
The default method for moving and resizing probes is now all probes at once, rather than one at a time. Probe Launchers now launch all their probes at once (up to a limit of 8 probes). Holding Shift will allow you to manipulate individual probes. Celestial Brackets will no longer prevent...
Shortcuts to resize and reposition probes now work even when the Probe Scanner window is not docked. Hovering over the shortcut arrows on bubbles while probe scanning now causes them to become highlighted. Reduced the brightness of the D-scan cone in the system map. Fixed an issue where anal...
Patch notes For EVE Online: Odyssey 1.0.7Released on Tuesday, June 18th 2013 FIXES User Interface Hopefully resolved an issue with probes re-ordering themselves in the scanner window. If this issue persists please file another bug report. Resolved an issue where the client would display a black...
Patch notes For EVE Online: Odyssey 1.0.7 Released on Tuesday, June 18th 2013 FIXES User Interface Hopefully resolved an issue with probes re-ordering themselves in the scanner window. If this issue persists please file another bug report. ...