We will be monitoring the overview settings during extreme scenarios, such as a massive fleet engagement, to ensure that the overview will display properly in all cases. Should you notice any unusual behavior, we would appreciate if you could send a detailed bug report. Window settings on ...
Please remember to set a long skill in training for the duration of the deployment, and please also be sure to check your overview settings in game to make sure they include the new deployable structures, in order to avoid any confusion during combat.You can check out the full patch notes...
Overview: Some adjustments have been made to the default overview settings, in an effort to align them more with the popular settings used in many player created overview packs and provide a more useful default for new players: The Velocity column will now be shown by default Ship type, corpo...
The overview settings window now displays correctly when you scale your UI to 90%. 'Select/Deselect All' now works as expected for the Cosmic Signature group in the Scan filter editor window. Fixed a rare issue where a player could become unable to leave their Captain's Quarters. MOTD: The...
EVEOnline:AnOverview EVEOnlineiscertainlywillingtoletasmanypeopleastheywanttrythe game—developerregularlyoffersfreetrialsrangingfromfourteentotwenty-one daystogivepeopleachancetodojustthat—butthedesignofthegamepushesmost peopleaway,honingtheaudienceofthegameandshapingthecontextofitsplayer basethroughspecificgame...
A new icon has been added to structure brackets in the overview and space scene to indicate whether you currently have permission to dock in that structure. This indication will make it much easier to determine which of the structures on a grid are open to you. It is however important to ...
Today’s topic comes from a tweet from @erlendur in a conversation he was having with a pilot about having multiple overview tabs…Read More » The Cold War is Ends!…War Begins Posted on January 28, 2014 by golden I am not going to cover much of the events leading up to the giant...
The TinyMiner Eve Online Mining Bot, Market Trader, Items Seller and Assets Hauler has a powerful array of descriptive settings and options that help you discover how to master the art of AFK macro mining in EVE Online.
Why does PELD need my overview settings? If you are using an overview pack that changes the display of your in-game DPS messages from the defaults that EVE uses, you must export your overview settings for PELD to use. These overview settings are needed because the configuration of your overv...
Iridium Modified Overview Original overview: by Thomas Iridium Miscellaneous By triglavians 7KB -- 115 Join the largest modding community Register Already have an account? Log in here More mods Explore all mods New today 0 New this week 0 Latest Popular (30 days) Popular (all time)...