卫队lp 3楼2020-10-13 19:24 回复 NDRC外宣 战争指挥 14 找稳定的 出牌子的地方 换成势力装备挂市场 4楼2020-10-13 19:26 回复 wjk771 加入军团 7 有专门的LP收购商他指定商品你换了卖给他 5楼2020-10-13 19:53 收起回复 海湾
技能提取器的用途是将你过多无用的技能点提取出来重新分配到其他地方,或者出售给其他玩家以获得ISK。技能提取器有使用限制,即你的技能点总量必须超过550万以上才可以使用技能提取器提取技能。如果你的技能点不达标你将无法使用技能提取器。 购买技能提取器后,你可以直接出售你的技能提取器到市场中用于换取ISK,如果你...
(初期):1,求救信号:做F10星图的1-2级信号任务,1个有100万左右ISK;2,LP 任务:做贸易中心的附近的1-2级任务,获取LP(忠诚点),可以在空间站换取物品;3,异常信号:刷1-2级异常信号,有些隐秘的异常比较强大,需要小心;4,空间信号:带上扫描设备(探针发射器),选择战斗或者遗迹和数据地点进行相应的探索;5,星带...
Upwell Freighters [x10]: 80,000,000 ISK at all Upwell Consortium member corporation stations. Upwell Starship Engineering [x5]: 10,000,000 ISK and 15,000 LP at Factional Warfare Empire Militia LP Stores. Upwell Haulers is required to fly the Squall Tech 1 Hauler at level 1 and needs to...
Inspired by the legendary Kings of Lowsec contest that took place in 2013 which was a 24 hour Lowsec killing spree, the contest to crown a champion of Lowsec will be returning to New Eden between 26 and 31 March! The alliance that accrues the highest ISK value of Lowsec PvP kills in...
萌新想入EVE欧服,通过论坛购买账号,咨询1B价格以及如何获取isk支付给卖家? FGDH 11:12 74 00精英军团——WBJ随缘招新 千.Blan 军团全称:Cyber Violence Authority(网络暴力管理局) 隶属:DC 军团位置:南绝地星域 定位:以pvp为核心,拥有工业制造、商业贸易、精英pvp水平的综合性00军团 团员大部分为第19届e...
ISK rewards for every goal All rewards from the AIR Career Program are provided through the Redeeming window and are an addition to the standard rewards like bounties, loot, LP, etc. Aura Assistance Each goal has a section in which Aura provides tips and guidance in the form of links to...
This blog will cover the plans for a major set of improvements to Upwell structures coming your way next month! In the year and a half since the initial introduction of Citadels, advancement of both new and existing Upwell structures has been a huge part of EVE Online’s ongoing development...