a bit up from November’s45.15 trillion ISK. But November only saw small uptick from the 44.78 trillion ISK in losses seen in October, so the ISK lost has remained somewhat flat while the count has gone up and down.
The game suggests my worth is around 150B ISK. The 100B ISK mark seems an important number. It is about the point where you can do most new things in the game without having to think about earning ISK first. And when you stop thinking about earning ISK, you can stop logging in as ...
Buying ISK is a EULA violation. While we do try to fight with the source and eliminate it, the easy ISK gain seems like a good idea to many. Many buyers eventually face the complete deduction of the purchased goods (sometimes billions of ISK). Accounts get banned, penalties are applied, ...
I have played eve online for 3 years couldn’t play anymore because of time now I’ve been playing eve echoes for a year come September and I love every minute of it. Shout out to those of you who help new ones learn “captain benzie!! And b8kd!!” You guys are great and I lo...
Application on payment or other transfer of EVE's valid in-game currency (e.g., ISK) to Developer or to any registered EVE corporation of which Developer is a member; (b) Developer may solicit voluntary donations of money from Players (i.e., U.S. dollars, British Pounds Sterling, etc...
If you'd like to browse the destruction for yourself, you can find more detail in thisBattle Report. Okay, so just how big was this battlereally? Let's forget about ISK and dollars for a moment and just talk about what a Titan is in the universe of EVE Online. Titans areMASSIVEweapon...
I have played eve online for 3 years couldn’t play anymore because of time now I’ve been playing eve echoes for a year come September and I love every minute of it. Shout out to those of you who help new ones learn “captain benzie!! And b8kd!!” You guys are great and I ...
The entire effort snowballed, so now 1ronBank and the other bankers at I Want ISK are bankrolling what may prove to be the largest war effort inEve Onlinehistory. Killah Bee confirmed that Pandemic Legion is being directly funded by one of those bankers. ...
I’ve seen enough in my time spent playing to state confidently that player skill > skillpoints, ships, modules, and isk in 90% of scenarios. The game was more p2w back when off grid boosting was still a thing. If you could afford a booster alt, you could get insane bonuses to your...
Gambling in video games has been a hot topic in 2019, with lawmakers in Europe and the United States making moves to stem the tide of loot boxes. EVE Online has had its own brushes with gambling, but they seemed to come to an end in 2016 when CCP banned