Forum officiel EVE Online pour les joueurs Francophones. Informations et annoncesGénéralProblèmes et solutionsNouveaux joueursSuggestions et idéesRecrutement 547 Remlok Industries - Null-Sec | Industrie & Combat7h French Angels or Demons Federation2d ...
EVE Online Forums Become an Accomplished Wormhole Dweller! Join Starseekers today! (C2>C3+HS) Our recruitment campaign has been very productive so far and many players new and veteran have joined the ranks of Starseekers and started exploring the depths of wormhole space! Our recruitment will co...
EVE allows you to discover, explore and dominate an amazing science fiction universe while you fight, trade, form corporations and alliances with other players.
You will find official public recruitment channels for each supported language in-game under the “Corporate” section of the Chat Channels menu – which can be found under Social -> Chat Channels in the Neocom. TheRecruitment Centeron the EVE Forums provides a wide range of options, and you ...
Some aspects of the game client, the official EVE Online web site and the official forums are now available in Spanish. We will be iterating on and adding to the translations, working with the players to build on todays release. 🤝 Spanish Help and Recruitment Channels have been added in...
1.欢迎来到PLA的大家庭,PLA军团成立于2013年3月,到目前已经发展了近3年,我们经历了盘古时期,租地时期,FRT时期,现在我们在EVE欧服最大的黑社会势力CFC体系。 2.PLA军团介绍:Peoples Liberation Army, 简称PLA军团,Fidelas Constans旗下军团华人本土军团,Fidelas Constans 是CFC体系里面,除了GSF(小蜜蜂)以外最大的主... “We hear your worries about the continued escalation of this kind of sale and want to reassure you that our design will remain directed towards new players finding th...
That’s right CCP just hired Sean Decker as their senior VP of product development he was previously with EA as their VP of the group “play4free”. The forums for eve-online are already alive with rage as players assume that this is the start of a bad road for CCP. As…Read More ...
It’s not hard to find a corp – there’s a recruitment centre set up on the official Eve forums and a subreddit dedicated to Eve jobs. Alternatively, you can just wait for them to come to you: within the first couple days of starting a new career, any new pilot will start receivin...
The alternative guide to the EVE-Online forums. Mirrors and enables advanced search options to browse the EVE-Online forums.