The registration cost for Alliance Tournament XX is 4,000 PLEX, contracted to “C C P” corporation with the ticker -CCP-. Entries contracted to any other variations, Engineering Corp or otherwise, will NOT be accepted. PLEX must be contracted from the alliance executor. To register a team...
The cost of registration for Alliance Tournament XIX is 3,000 PLEX, contracted to “C C P” corporation with the ticker -CCP-. Entries contracted to any other variations, Engineering Corp or otherwise, will NOT be accepted. To register a team, the Alliance Executor must fill out the followi...
- Have fun ;) o/ EVE Development Network VERSION HISTORY === v4.4.3.0 Features: Updated EDK to and CCPDB to July 2019 1.0.20190625 Updated ESI client with _latest on 2019-07-24 Enhancements: Code cleanup for compatibility with PHP 7.2 Updated NPC corporation detection ESI Client:...
- Have fun ;) o/ EVE Development Network VERSION HISTORY === v4.4.3.0 Features: Updated EDK to and CCPDB to July 2019 1.0.20190625 Updated ESI client with _latest on 2019-07-24 Enhancements: Code cleanup for compatibility with PHP 7.2 Updated NPC corporation detection ESI Client:...
EveManager.update_corporation_info(corp_info['id'], corp_info['members']['current'], alliance,False) 开发者ID:RZN-FFEvo,项目名称:corpauth,代码行数:28,代码来源 示例2: update_corp ▲点赞 5▼ # 需要导入模块: from eveonline.managers import EveManager [as 别名]# 或者: fr...
# 需要导入模块: from eveonline.managers import EveManager [as 别名]# 或者: from eveonline.managers.EveManager importget_character_by_id[as 别名]defsrp_request_view(request, fleet_srp):completed =Falseno_srp_code =Falsesrp_code =""ifSrpFleetMain.objects.filter(fleet_srp_code=fleet_srp)....
a) CorporationTicker (string type) b) AllianceTicker (string type) 2. The "Corporation" and "Alliance" MEMBERS will now properly show the full name rather than the 'ticker' names. Fixed all of the entity search parameters that use distance/radius as a search argument.October 21, 2007 --...
Moved the "Toggle Market Ticker" option to the top right 'More' menu of the window. Updated Drones window. Using Compact Mode now removes the header of the window. Added Launch Drones, Engage Target, Return and Orbit,and Return to Drone Bay buttons to groups. Changed the 'Aggressive/Pass...
Part of our work this month was the disassembly of an entire 250+ member corporation that was pretty much entirely comprised of botters. Some members of the community may be aware of the corporation "Southern Race Club" from the alliance “Iron Crown” (who ironically have the ticker I.S....
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