Coming to you from deep within the Curse region, the Angelic Domination Pack is inspired by the Angel Cartel, and is now available in the EVE Store. The new pack provides criminally ambitious pilots with 350 PLEX, 275,000 Skill Points, a Specialist 'Boost' Cerebral Accelerator, and a ...
New EVE ship models Model Capsuleers, Mixed Dimensions have released another batch of gorgeous EVE Online ship models, featuring the striking Dramiel, Cynabal, and Machariel hulls from the Angel Cartel fleet! Although it has been some time since the last batch of ships were released due to ...
AbaddonAeonAngel CartelAnsiblexApocalypseApostleArchonAresArmageddonAstrahusAthanorAvatarBadgerBarghestBasiliskBhaalgornBurstBuzzardCaracalCaroline's StarCatalystCerberusChimeraCoercerCONCORDCormorantCraneDamnationDominixDrakeEagleErebusEVE OnlineFeroxFortizarGilaGuardianGuristasHarpyHelHeronHoundHurricaneIshtarJackdawJump GateKee...
Designed by Angel Cartel engineers, and released as a tribute to the leader of the Dominations notorious “Blaze” hit and run squadron who was lost in battle in late YC119, this nanocoating was made available in very limited numbers for only six hulls. Known only as “Blaze”, a name ...
代理人:Ellar Stin —— 地点:Konora ——声望要求:Ellar Stin或Dominations(公司) 或 Angel Cartel(势力) 声望最低3 (effective standing 即包括技能加成,但这三个声望任意一个不能低于-2.0)任务代理人在该星系的信标中,不在空间站,跳信标可以看到代理人,对话即可触发任务(跳0有风险,三个代理人都在低安,务必...
EVE Online 2026 Roadmap Prediction You could copy and paste my list from above and it would match. In addition to my question above about whether or not I should just feel good that the same old plan will be rolling along for a soon to be 22 year old title, I will add that the wh...
EVE Online races Amarr Empire Caldari State Gallente Federation Minmatar Republic O.R.E. Jove Empire Navy faction ships Amarr navy Caldari navy Gallente navy Minmatar navy Pirate faction ships Angel Cartel Blood Raiders Guristas Mordu's Legion Sansha's Nation Serpentis Sisters of EVE Triglavian ...
在 Blood Raiders, Guristas Pirates, Serpentis 及 Angel Cartel 均攻擊這些據點之下,玩家將在帝國及海盜之間這場資源戰爭中擔當重要一角。你和你的伙伴將聯合帝國採礦探險隊躍遷到之前探測到的據點,探索週遭環境以選擇最佳的小行星進行採集。如果你選擇擔當採集工的話,你需要做的就是盡快採集這些戰略資源並交給在場...
天堂星座(Heaven)是由九个星系组成的,它位于已知空间的边缘。星座的中心是乌托邦恒星系( Utopia),这是天使企业联合体(Angel Cartel)的总部所在地。 如今,天使企业联合体是EVE世界中能找到的最古老也是最强大的犯罪组织之一。他们在一个世纪前就存在于乌托邦星系,并很快控制了整个天堂星座。起初他们主要充当其他犯罪团伙...
In exchange this buyout secured ORE assets against further interference from Serpentis activities as well as their allies among the Angel Cartel. Intaki Prime and Ishukone During the long-standing Caldari occupation of the Gallente systems, designated as a contested zone under the CONCORD Emergency...