EnforcerstoIndustrialists, there’s a new career to explore for everyone in EVE Online. What part will you play next?
Mexallon52348,15 Rifter52336.394,23 Liquid Ozone514.375,66 Medium EM Shield Reinforcer II4810.037.166,67 Support the site.Get your Omega codes here. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time!
Some Sleeper and Rogue Drone enemies within Abyssal Artifact Recovery sites will now target and prioritize drones. The minimum amount a player must contribute to be rewarded within a site has been increased. The respawn time for enemies within all sites has been greatly increased. Rebalanced the ...
Useful links zKillboard Uniwiki EVE-Survival Abyss Tracker Quick links Market Status Statuspage Reddit thread Forum thread© 2025 EVE Workbench. All right reserved. Material related to EVE-Online is used with limited permission of CCP Games hf by using official Toolkit. No official affiliation or...
Abyss Hunterbot was developed to run abyssal deadspacemissions. These missions drop matherials and BPCs used to construct triglavian ships and modules. Income of this bot will depend on mission level you run. The higher level of a mission the better reward, the more dangerous NPCs and more ex...
加入了活动追踪器:https://www.eveonline.com/article/phvrit/introducing-the-activity-tracker 平衡调整方面: ECM加强: 所有ECM强度提高10% 所有ECM作用范围增加20% ECM舰船信号半径减少 部分ECM舰船的pg与CPU增加以加强舰船的肉度 FAX大削: 旗舰远程修甲模块持续时间增加25% ...
MMO game - players will be able to team up and delve into the dangerous and isolated areas of New Eden known as Abyssal Deadspace in new and exciting ways. In addition, players will be given access to new ships, a new navigation structures and the introduction of the Activity Tracker. ...
There are those who play Eve Online using the game's given UI and there are those who manipulate the data and create tools to work within the Eve Online Universe. This is an attempt to keep an updated and maintained list of some of the many great tools and applications. ...
CCP now offers Onslaught, the latest expansion for EVE Online, their long-running MMORPG set in space, where nobody can hear you yodel. The EVE Online website has a trailer with a feature tour along with a concise description: "More quality of life chang
Abyssal Deadspace: Abyssal Jump mechanics have been significantly changed to allow for invulnerability while using Triglavian gates. This affects inter-abyssal travel during the PvE sequence, inter-abyssal travel from PvE to PvP, and abyssal-to-origin jump to known space. ...