去年EVE玩家嘉年华的时候,CCP放出了一款街机游戏名叫EVE Offline供现场玩家试玩,这款游戏是使用EVE Online的美术资源做出来的一款类似《沙罗曼蛇》的打飞机游戏。 据CCP工作人员介绍,这款游戏的难度已经到了丧心病狂的程度,整个游戏一共四个关卡,至今只有极少数同样“丧心病狂”的人才能通过第一关(怎么通关的?请往...
打开CPU虚拟化,类似于在BIOS开启CPU虚拟化。同时也建议将VMware的时间同步打开(EVE-NGOffline时,时间也能同步)网卡适配器选择自定义,并且务必选择开启DHCP功能的VMnet 04 初始化EVE-NG 开启虚拟机,开机界面如下 默认账户(底层Ubuntu系统登录账户):Username:root Password:eve 登录后提示您修改密码 输入hostname,...
Elieve、Stepherd - OFFLINE
Elieve、Stepherd - Offline
An EVE Online API based web app that shows users their characters skill and the ships they can fly. This is the open source core for evesp.com and the now-offline eve-sheet.com. eve-online UpdatedMar 20, 2017 PHP An OpenAPI Client Library for EVE Online (ESI) ...
一图流,教你如何进测..链接:http://community.eveonline.com/support/download/test-servers/注意,请使用Singularity Windows Offline In
Go to the always useful EVE-Offline.net (http://eve-offline.net/?server=tranquility) and take a look at the All Time (weekly average) graph for concurrent accounts logged in. For the past four and a half years, the graph has hovered around that 30,000 mark; it is, for all intents...
[POL_Wine] Message: Running wine-1.7.46 /home/user/Downloads/EVE offline installer/EVE_Online_Installer_Full_1005138.msi (Working directory : /home/user/.PlayOnLinux/shortcutwine: Bad EXE format for Z:\home\user\Downloads\EVE offline installer\EVE_Online_Installer_Full_1005138.msi. 03/15/16...
Go to the always useful EVE-Offline.net (http://eve-offline.net/?server=tranquility) and take a look at the All…Read More » How to Retrieve and Input API Data into Eve-Mon Posted on January 5, 2014 by golden Follow these steps to retrieve your API for third party programs. ...
你可以右键点击装配面板上的武器图标,选择“Put Online”(将它上线)或“Put Offline”(将它下线)将它们上线或下线。 现在,将你原来飞船上所装的那门近炮下线,同时将新装上去的远炮上线。 将武器上线以后,记得将物品栏里的弹药拖到武器上以装填,并将剩余的弹药统统放进飞船的货柜舱内备用。 任务攻略: 由于...