Alternatively, you can install eve-ng-integration from terminal using the following command: wget -qO- | sh This method works on most Linux distros. Tested onArch Linux,Manjaro,Fedora,openSUSE,CentOS, and potentially...
ErrorCouldn't run /usr/bin/dumpcap in child process: Permission deniedwhen starting Wireshark Add your user towiresharkgroup: sudo usermod -a -G wireshark $USER If you use a Debian-like distro, you can run the next command and choose answer asYes: ...
eve-ng:~/repack/# dpkg-deb --build eve-ng-pro_2.0.4-5/ dpkg-deb: building package 'eve-ng-schema' in 'eve-ng-pro_2.0.4-5.deb'. 注意,因为dpkg-deb本身并不会去识别软件包名字,因此需要通过目录名来定义软件包名字及版本,在这里还需要注意中划线和下划线的细微差别,尽量保证与原始安装包格式一...
iTerm2 is a terminal emulator for Mac OS X that does amazing things. - iTerm2/OtherResources/ at master · rcleveng/iTerm2
Add it2run so you can launch API scripts from the command line without getting nagged for permission every time gnachmancommittedFeb 14, 2020 9b366d1 Commits on Sep 25, 2019 Add applescript 'invoke API function' gnachmancommittedSep 25, 2019 c7982b4 Add applescript 'launch API scr...