EVE-NG. We will learnwhat is EVE-NG, why we use it andhow to install EVE-NG. We will start withEVE-NG Downloadand then we will go throughEVE-NG installation. Here, we will download and installVMware Workstation. On VMware Workstation, we will create avirtual deviceand we will...
2、通过EVE-NG 中文网来获取(备选,国内就可访问) 3、其它方式获取(不推荐) EVE-NG 官网提供两种版本,一种是专业版(EVE-NG Professional Version),一种是社区版(EVE Community Edition Version),专业版的需要购买 License 才行,社区版的可以免费使用,具体的区别,官网有详细说明,一般个人学习使用社区版的就够用。
思科模拟器最早10年前接触过Cisco Packet Tracer,后来发展的GNS3,不过一直只支持思科的设备,而EVE最近几年开始火了起来,不仅支持思科设备,而且支持众多的华为,山石等国产设备。 EVE-NG官网:https://www.eve-ng.net/ EVE-NG官网下载页:Download 下载其中的社区版OVA和window客户端即可 官方的下载连接如下 社区版的...
OVA是一种开放式虚拟设备格式,它是一个存档(TAR),其中包含虚拟机的磁盘和配置文件(OVF或Open Virtualization File)。EVE-NG也可以直接安装在物理硬件上,而使 ... EVE-NG系统要求 EVE-NG当前作为OVA文件和ISO发布。OVA是一种开放式虚拟设备格式,它是一个存档(TAR),其中包含虚拟机的磁盘和配置文件(OVF或Open Vir...
步骤一:下载EVE-NG-PRO安装包 1.EVE-NG-PRO-2.4-20.OVA下载链接: 由于国外网盘下载速度缓慢,特上传到百度网盘里。 下载链接:点击此处下载 提取码:dk61 步骤二:下载完OVA安装包,打开VMware将其导入 1.打开刚才下载的OVA镜像包。 2.放在C盘外大于50G的硬盘里。 步骤三:EVE-NG资源配置 1.刚才的EVE-NG已经导...
基于目前最新EVE-NG-v2.0.3-105社区版改动 改动日志: 1.添加第二块磁盘扩容(群里问硬盘扩容的太多了)注意:不要删除、移动或合并两块硬盘,裸机安装的话请参考官方教程https://www.eve-ng.net/index.php/documentation/installation/bare-install/ 2.集成默认基于默认idle值的Dynamip镜像(群里问如何计算idle的太多...
emulatedlab.com/thread-1914-1-1.html),在服务器上在线安装社区版,但不知道什么原因,安装后变成了专业版;按照官方教程回滚社区版(https://www.eve-ng.net/index.php/rollback-eve-professional-to-eve-community/),结果失败,报错:E: Package 'eve-ng-guacamole' has no installation ...
Step 1: Set Up EVE-NG Installation:On a physical server or a virtual machine, EVE-NG can be installed. There are two editions that are accessible such as the Professional Edition that costs for extra properties and the Community Edition which is free of cost. From the EVE-NG website, do...
Forum:Proxmox VE: Installation and configuration S EVE-NG: The main eve--ng--vg-root partition in HDD needs to be increased. The Main root partition: "eve--ng--vg-root" is showing 100% usage, for 11GB space.. How can I increase it to 120 GB.. My HDD Max size is 500 GB. Fro...
you through the steps needed to download the required EVE-NG Image, Installing EVE-NG, Downloading the Required vendor Images (Cisco, Checkpoint, Palo Alto, Fortinet, F5, etc), Installing the images on your EVE-NG Installation, and finally test the images before performing the labs and ...