EVE Isk per Hour(IPH)是一个 Windows 程序,它允许 EVE Online 的玩家确定通过制造、采矿、发明和逆向工程来最大化他们的每小时 Isk 的方法。由于官方只提供了英文客户端且是开源了,所以我在这里冒昧的汉化了一下,现在还没有汉化完全,只汉化了部分页面,剩余页面正在紧张刺激的汉化中!汉化版开源免费!用爱发电!IPH...
EVE - Isk per Hour 多媒体 提交图片 注意: 兼容中心显示的图片通常代表了 Mac 和 Linux 平台的兼容。 常用链接 首页 在线商城 博客 关于我们 联系我们 获取支持 常见问题 快速上手 兼容查询 用户论坛 BetterTesters 内测计划 合作伙伴 CodeWeavers 我们不拘一格,我们不随波逐流,我们是软件解放者。我们极其...
These changes will make the new ore types more valuable than before, reducing the volume of the ores will make them provide higher minerals per hour when mined (Because mining yields are based on m3) and therefore higher ISK per hour. ...
因为欧服对应的工具很成熟了,还是免费开源的。evernus,isk per hour等工具不需要每月花钱就能使用。 来自手机贴吧3楼2018-03-13 00:37 收起回复 唐纳德-华盛顿 加入军团 7 还有一个疑问就是C海军的四种无人机兑换比例也很高(1500左右),为什么没人建议呢? 来自Android客户端4楼2018-03-13 07:19 收起回复 風...
These changes will make the new ore types more valuable than before, reducing the volume of the ores will make them provide higher minerals per hour when mined (Because mining yields are based on m3) and therefore higher ISK per hour. ...
Sure. Is the fun per hour there? Probably not. Repeating for truth. Focus on your fun/hour rather than your ISK/hour and you’ll stay in this game much longer and enjoy it far more. 1 Like Han_Baal (Han Baal) August 30, 2023, 1:27pm 34 There is an real easy way to get ...
Isk Maker– is a Bot for theEVE OnlineMMORPG. The bot is designed for hunting pirate NPC in the anomalies. Bot plays of the real player using the emulation movement of the mouse and pressing keys on the keyboard. Earnings per hour and can reach 50kk isk!!! The median income in systems...
The Forge 11,111 133,837,000.00 ISK 0.3 Obe VI - Moon 2 - DED Testing Facilities - Station 1 364d 9h 10m an hour ago The Forge 11,111 133,837,000.00 ISK 0.5 Mastakomon IX - Moon 3 - DED Assembly Plant - Station 1 363d 10h 11m 2 days ago Tash-Murkon 11,111 133,837,000.00...
Eve Online Mining Bot, Market Trading Bot & Missions Runner Bot, Undetectable Eve Online Bot makes billions of ISK for you totally on AutoPilot! With this amazing EVE MINING BOT you will rule New Eden, the EVE Online universe!
EVE Isk per Hour汉化版发布贴EVE Isk per Hour(IPH)是一个 Windows 程序,它允许 EVE Online 的玩家确定通过制造、采矿、发明和逆向工程来最大化他们的每小时 Isk 的方法。 由于官方只提供了英文客户端且是开源了,所以我在这里冒昧的汉化了一下,现在还没有汉化完全,只汉化了部分页面,剩余页面正在紧张刺激的...