As Eve Said to the Serpent (Book Review).:Reviews the book 'As Eve Said to the Serpent: On Landscape, Gender, and Art,' by Rebecca Solnit.MillerRebeccaLibrary Journal
“Art creates the Eden where Adam and Eve eat the serpent.” - Alexander Theroux
This reading of the Eve and Adam story focuses on the consequential role of the woman and her linkage to the serpent. Her rapid switch from defender to transgressor of the divine command shows that the idea of disobeying God was not instigated exclusively by the serpent. Since the serpent ...
Evra is the art of eve.The art of every woman. These handmade quintessential pieces explore the merging of tradition and contemporary design. Tamara Zantout, the designer behind the label has always sought to merge together her childhood experiences in London as well as her unique Lebanese herita...
Through the Garden of Eden, the serpent slithers to seduce Eve into eating fruit which is forbidden to her. In the fashion images of French photographer Marta Bevacqua, it appears Eve has indeed been tempted by the beast. Her photography is full of theatrical and supernatural touches, with fl...
Artist Eve is superbusy with her own line of clothing, a new UPN sitcom, and two motion pictures "Cookout," and "The Woodsman," out this month. These things keep her sane and looking fabulous. Eve's preconcert ritual consists of dabbing on Floret by Antonia's Flowers, jumping up and...
God imposed only one restriction on life in this paradise: not to eat the fruit of a certain tree—the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. A sly serpent in the garden persuaded Eve to eat the forbidden fruit, and Adam tasted the fruit as well. The two lost their innocence ...
Tomás Harris (1908-1964), London (not in Lugt); possibly purchased at the above sale; then by descent. With Colnaghi’s, London, on behalf of the heirs of the above. The Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, Massachusetts; purchased from the abo...
The word "formed" suggests the careful work of a potter making an exquisite art piece. Into this earthen vessel, God breathed the breath of life (Gen 2:7). These words describe vivid intimacy between God and man not shared by animals. Adam was made a little lower than "angels" (or "...
The woman has suffered defeat, and infinitely painful are its consequences, but henceforth there will be enmity between her and the serpent, between his seed and her seed, until through the latter in the person of the future Redeemer, who will crush the serpent’s head, she will again be ...