An image built with TEMPLATECONF=meta-openbmc-machines/meta-evb/meta-evb-aspeed/meta-evb-ast2500/conf should successfully boot to a login shell on an AST2500 EVB.Activity mx-shift commented on Jun 15, 2016 mx-shift on Jun 15, 2016 MemberAuthor openbmc/u-boot#7 sets the u-boot default...
It is inconsistent and the matching as between aspeed- and the ast2400 directories frustrates my tab completion.osresearch mentioned this issue Oct 3, 2019 Make integration a proper platform #204 Open Contributor bluecmd commented Oct 7, 2019 Currently the platforms are named $vendor-$model...
For example, a System-on-Chip (SoC) manufacturer such as ASPEED Technology will provide its AST2500 BMC chip on an EVB so that system vendors can test it for use in their proprietary hardware platforms. AMI will also use an EVB as part of this process by loading ourMegaRAC® SP-X™...
一个空白符的行。 boards.cfg为输入文件。 boards.cfg描述了板子的arch, cpu, soc, board等信息。 对于我们的例子而言,egrep输出ast2500evbarm.../Makefile中有两处定义了all: 这里,第二个all会覆盖第一个all。故执行make或make all时,对应uboot/Makefile:448处的all. 从448行,我们知道,执行make的 ...
厂商: SILABS(芯科科技) 封装: - 描述: RF EVAL FOR SI2439 数据手册:下载SI2439-A-FM18-EVB.pdf立即购买 数据手册 价格&库存 SI2439-A-FM18-EVB 数据手册 Si2494-39 V.9 2 A N D V.3 4 I S O M O D E M ® W I T H G LO BAL D A A Features ...
Base深圳 岗位职责 1. 基于服务器主板 AST2500 BMC 的IPMIv2.0/Redfish/SnmpMib 固件设计、编码、调试与维护工作 2. 负责BMC特殊功能的开发与调试,能与BIOS或上层软件沟通协商处理问题。 任职资格 1. 大学BOSS直聘本科以上学历,计算机,电子等相关专业 2. 熟悉嵌入式系统的原理及组成,了解至少一种硬件体系结构(如...
招聘中 BMC工程师 - K· 薪 国鑫 计算机硬件 未融资 更换职位立即沟通 招聘中 bios开发工程师 - K· 薪 华勤技术股份有限公司 智能硬件 已上市 立即沟通 职位详情 深圳 5-10年 大专 BMC工程师 服务器 Base深圳 岗位职责 1. 基于服务器主板 AST2500 BMC 的IPMIv2.0/Redfish/SnmpMib 固件设计、编码、调试与...
Hi all , I have installed openbmc on evb-ast2500 board and use devtool to add ipmitool into it. The ipmitool was added from I don't know why I can't print FRU data and it showed that Device not present...