I wish to begin by expressing my sincere gratitude to Mayor Daniel Biss, the City Council members, the dedicated city staff and environmental advocates who have worked tirelessly on the Healthy Buildings Ordinance (HBO). Their passion for sustainability and commitment to addressing climate change in...
However, there safety concerns that are not being addressed with the city council. As an Evanston resident my family and I are moving out next year. Estate marketing is outrageous, no wonder it’s impossible to afford a house or rent an apartment! I catch the Purple line Linden train to ...
As a former member of the Environment Board, we helped get the Climate Emergency Resolution passed by City Council. This resolution underscored the importance of environmental equity and environmental justice in CARP implementation, to ensure the future health and well-being of future generations. ...
Welcome New Members! Evanston Dental Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4280 Meditation & Self Healing Center Foy's Carpet Cleaning Elevation Home Services LLC The Bakery LLC Union Wild Cannabis Elevate Your Health Vibe Evanston Dental Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4280 ...
The Evanston City Council granted pay raises to all Evanston firemen in 1912, except the chief. So EFD annual salaries in 1912 were $1,620 (chief), $1,200 (assistant chief), $1,140 (engineer and motor driver), $1,080 (captain), $1,020 (lieutenant, assistant engineer, and assistant...
Evanston(IL) Mayor Elizabeth Tisdahl EvanstonClimate Action Plan (Small City Category populationunder 100,000) Beginning CityCouncil’s unanimous affirmation mayor’saction Conference’sMayors Climate Protection Agreement, citywent developingits Evanston Climate Action Plan (ECAP). Drawing upon more130 ...