伊文思蓝(evans blue,EB)是一种生物染料,经静脉注射后很快与血浆清蛋白结合,用EB外渗作为血浆蛋白外渗指标,可观察皮肤蓝色外渗的部位和范围。以往的研究表明内脏病变在相应脊髓节段的皮肤引起神经源性炎性反应,而穴位处体表的神经源性炎性反应伴随着局部血管通透性的改变可导致EB渗出点的出现,因而在进行了穴位与内在...
必应词典为您提供Evans-blue,-EB的释义,网络释义: 伊文氏蓝;伊文思蓝;伊文思兰;
用途:生物染色剂;测定血容量;动物实验常用于检测血脑屏障(BBB)的完整性。 脑组织EB含量的测定方法: 1用生理盐水配制2%的EB溶液 2动物麻醉后,按4ml/kg体重,静脉注射2%的EB溶液 3约1小时后,开胸通过左心室灌注生理盐水(灌注压110mmHg),直到右心房流出的液体无色为止,断头取脑,根据需要分别取双侧的脑组织。 4参...
近年来,18F-ALF-NEB或68Ga-NEB等新型分子探针PET淋巴显像技术逐渐受到临床医生及研究人员的重视。Evans Blue(EB)是传统的生物染料,核医学放药人员利用放射性核素(99mTc,68Ga等)标记EB来进行淋巴显像。前期研究表明,68Ga-NEB PET/CT淋巴显像能够清晰地观察到淋巴引流通路,比单光子核素淋巴显像多提供38.5%的信息量。
1) Evans blue Fluorescence 伊文思蓝(EB)2) Evans blue 伊文思蓝 1. Application of Evans Blue and ZO-1 to inspect blood-brain barrier injury in rats; 伊文思蓝、ZO-1评估血脑屏障损伤的应用研究 2. Catalytic kinetic spectrophotometric determination of trace formaldehyde with formaldehyde-evans blue-...
EB-Mal,即马来酰亚胺修饰的伊文思蓝(Evans Blue-Mal),是一种经过化学修饰的伊文思蓝衍生物。伊文思蓝本身是一种常用的偶氮染料制剂,同时也是一种L-谷氨酸摄取**剂,通过膜结合的兴奋性氨基酸转运蛋白(EAAT)发挥作用。马来酰亚胺修饰则为其引入了新的化学特性和应用潜力。
The most widely used method is Evans blue (EB) dye extravasation. EB cannot normally pass through the BBB and thus its presence in brain tissue indicates alterations in permeability. This protocol details the steps of EB extravasation in rodents. Important aspects regarding critical steps and ...
本研究的目的是探讨能否应用伊凡思蓝(Evansblue ,EB)作为示踪物定量诊断BRBB。 2) Evans' blue 伊凡斯蓝 3) Evans blue/diagnostic use 伊凡思蓝/诊断应用 4) Evans blue 伊文思蓝 1. Application of Evans Blue and ZO-1 to inspect blood-brain barrier injury in rats; ...
1)Evans blue伊文氏蓝 1.We use Evans Blue to dispaly blood vessels.本实验采用伊文氏蓝进行血管显影,伊文氏蓝是一种荧光染料,在白光下呈蓝色,在荧光显微镜绿色激发光下呈鲜红色,用于研究血脑屏障通透性的改变。 英文短句/例句 1.②Changes of Evans blue content in both hemispheres and plasma of rats.②...
acetone in the desorption of SO as the desorption percentage was ~73.4% in ethanol and ~14.8% in acetone. The desorption of cationic RhB and anionicEvans blue(EB) dyes from graphene quantum dots modified graphene nanosheets (GQD-Gr) was investigated [75]. The RhB or EB loaded GQD-Gr ...