PortrayalofGuilt在看:《NEON GENESIS EVANGELION》 很有趣的是,在EoE里,第二十五集叫做Love is destructive 已经忘记为什么会想看EVA了,很久之前的事,也许是因为这个名字:新世纪福音战士,怎么看都很酷,而现在终于看完了EVA。 EVA整体上是一部沉重压抑的动画:陌生的天花板,孤独,致死的疾病,压抑的战斗...从各个角度...
新世纪福音战士剧场版:Air/真心为你 新世纪福音战士剧场版:咏叹调,真心为你,The End of Evangelion: Episode 25': Love is Destructive,One More Final: I Need You 状态:更新至50集 主演:绪方惠美/林原惠美/三石琴乃/宫村优子/山口由里子/立木文彦/石田彰/清川元梦/山寺宏一 ...
English title cards for the 26-episode TV series andThe End of Evangelion,which contains two parts: “Love is Destructive” (alternative to Episode 25) and “I Need You” (alternative to Episode 26). License:All Rights Reserved. Short flash frames in the post-credit Easter egg inRebuild of...
You've got to hand it to an organization that comes up with a code phrase for "The pilot's self-destructive impulses are taking on independent physical form." Teen Genius: Asuka claims to have a college degree, but it's never addressed. Tell Me About My Father: Shinji asks both Rei...
↑The book Mari is holding has, in its introduction, an anecdote about the phrase "The moon is beautiful": Natsume Soseki tells students to translate 'I love you' in English class. The students thought of translations such as "I love you" (我、汝を愛su) or "I seem to love you" (...
Evangelion Anime All Episode T-shirt - Episode Final: Take care of yourself. Evangelion Movie All Episode T-shirt - Episode 25: Air (Love is Destructive) Evangelion Movie All Episode T-shirt - Episode 26: Magokoro wo Kimi ni (ONE MORE FINAL: I need you.) SaleEvangelion...
Evangelion Anime All Episode T-shirt - Episode 25: Do you love me? Evangelion Anime All Episode T-shirt - Episode Final: Take care of yourself. Evangelion Movie All Episode T-shirt - Episode 25: Air (Love is Destructive) Evangelion Movie All Episode T-shirt - Episode 26: Magokoro wo...
另注:剧场版「The End of Evangelion」中出现了「第25话:Air/EPISODE:25':Love is Destructive」「第26话:真心为你/ONE MORE FINAL: I need you」的字样 剧场版 1.死与新生(该剧场版于1997年3月上映,有多个版本) [2]《新世纪福音战士》电影版第1部。分为“DEATH篇(死亡篇)”与“REBIRTH篇(新生篇)”...
新世纪福音战士剧场版:Air/真心为你 / 新世紀エヴァンゲリオン劇場版 Air/まごころを、君に / 新世纪福音战士剧场版:咏叹调/真心为你 / The End of Evangelion: Episode 25': Love is Destructive/One More Final: I Need You [可播放] 1997-07-19(日本) / 绪方惠美 / 林原惠美 / 三石琴乃 ...
↑19.019.1Shinji/Asuka: Colleague-Complicated Feelings;Colleague-Love/Hate Rei/Shinji: Colleague-Favorable; Kaworu/Shinji: Colleague-Favorable -The Essential Evangelion Chronicle, Side B ↑Some early fansubbers misheard this as "koi", but the scripts for this episode make it clear it is "koui"....