We will present the main features of the...Kaaniche M. and Kanoun K. The discrete time hyperexponential model for software reliability growth evaluation, in Proceedings of the Third IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering , Raleigh, NC, October 1992, pp. 64–75....
Recent development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology has resulted in the fruition of machine learning-based weather prediction (MLWP) systems. Five prominent global MLWP model, Pangu-Weather, FourCastNet v2 (FCN2), GraphCast, FuXi, and FengWu, emerged. This study conducts a homogeneous...
The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and the analytic network process (ANP) are important multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods for solving strategic decision problems. In the field of the research and teaching projects of a university’s Managem
An evaluation of wetland ecological security was conducted by using an exponential model of entropy to provide a reference for wetland ecology safety and environmental protection in Zhejiang province. The results indicate that the efficiency indexes of total, ecological, economic, and social benefits ...
In recent years, the exponential growth of available data has prompted a surge in studying complex systems across various research domains. Networks have become a standard tool for modeling the entities and their interactions within such systems, with nodes and edges representing the entities and thei...
Recent development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology has resulted in the fruition of machine learning-based weather prediction (MLWP) systems. Five prominent global MLWP model, Pangu-Weather, FourCastNet v2 (FCN2), GraphCast, FuXi, and FengWu, e
Compared with the previous evaluation methods, the rationality of the methods proposed in this study is also verified. These results indicate the proposed brittleness indexes can reflect the brittle characteristics of the rock and the whole process of deformation and failure of the rock. Accordingly,...
exponential increase in white-tailed deer populations and geographical distribution has been linked to an increase inI. scapularisabundance and distribution [9] and the subsequent rise in the incidence of Lyme disease [10,11]. This in turn can be attributed to white-tailed deer representing the ...
The Pearl River Estuary (PRE) is one of China’s busiest shipping hubs and fishery production centers, as well as a region with abundant island tourism and wind energy resources, which calls for accurate short-term wind forecasts. First,
On the basis of classification in the feature of indicatiors, a partial exponential formula for the indicators in a certain class and a comprehensive exponential formula for multi-class composition were presented for sustainable development for cities. A simple and universal evaluation model of sustaina...