Evaluation of Substance Abuse Prevention Programs: Increasing the Validity of Self-Report DataImplications: The results from this study suggest that those reporting use of the fictitious drug must be viewed as a unique and different subpopulation. Continuous efforts are needed by researchers to explore...
(1984). Evaluation of a substance abuse prevention program for junior high school students. The Internatumal Journal of the AddICtIOns, 19, 419-430.Moskowitz, J.M., E. Schaps, G.A. Schaeffer, and J.H. Malvin. (1984) "Evaluation of a substance abuse prevention program for junior high ...
A recently completed study of the existing substance abuse prevention programs in Iowa is discussed. Content analyses were made of three sets of material: the prevention grants made to (1) community agencies and (2) community/parents'' groups which were funded by the Iowa Department Substance ...
Drug abuse programs in New York City schools were evaluated to determine their natures, whether they met the needs of students, and the outcomes realized. Programs have been in operation for 15 years. Students selected from 32 programs were given pretests with posttests after participation. Three...
Program evaluation of a long-term substance abuse treatment program for homeless menSubstance abuse treatment with homeless individuals is difficult due to this population's multiple problems (lack of housing, unemployment, mental illness and social isolation). Treatment providers are often overwhelmed ...
Structural measures of access, continuity, and quality of substance misuse treatment services were compared in 30 fee-for-service (FFS) facilities and nine health maintenance organizations (HMOs). Probit models related effects of the provider system (FFS or HMO) and the system''s structural charact...
This article describes and evaluates Project C.A.R.E., a substance abuse prevention program for three cohorts of at-risk fourth graders and their families. Project C.A.R.E. worked intensively with students and their families to increase resiliency factors and decrease risk factors through school...
Self-evaluation and severity of substance abuse (other than alcohol) accounted for 16% ( F (2, 54) = 5.09, p < 0.01) of the variance in stress, and self-evaluation partially mediated the relationship between severity of substance abuse and symptoms of stress (unstandardized indirect effect ...
Science-Based Prevention Programs and Principles 2002: Effective Substance Abuse and Mental Health Programs for Every Community The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and its Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP) are committed to bringing effec... Schinke, S.|Brou...
J & A Counseling and Evaluation offers Substance Abuse Services from Drug and Alcohol Testing, to Counseling services. Get help today.