"New variable transformations for evaluating nearly singular integrals in 2D boundary element method". Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. Vol. 35. 2011. pp. 811-817.Xie GZ, Zhang JM, Qin XY, Li GY (2011) New variable trans- formations for evaluating nearly singular integrals in 2D ...
Other models, energy-based models has a normalization constant in the likelihood expression that is generally difficult to compute as they require solving intractable complex integrals (Kingma & Welling, 2013). Statistical divergence measures are alternative (model-independent) metrics that are related ...
These lectures center on new and other recent work giving sharp inequalities for martingales and stochastic integrals with some applications to harmonic analysis and the geometry of Banach spaces. But to introduce some of the ideas and n... ...
(Fig. 7a), and only five p5 ensemble members yield slightly smaller spectral component integrals, which are of the same order of magnitude, than the p5 ensemble mean (Fig. 7b). To summarize, an ensemble mean only needs to perform better than most of its members at several frequencies to ...
invariantamplitudesandhasbeenusedtoderivesimpleanswerswithsimpleintermediate steps[6].Newideasontwistors[9],multipolecuts(generalizedunitarity)[10],recursion relations[11,12,13,14],algebraicreductionoftensorintegrals[15]andunitarityinD- dimension[16,17,18,19]havemadetheunitaritycutmethodevenmore promising. It...
In order to demonstrate the numerical stability of our methods we consider particular Feynman integrals which contribute to different physical processes. Our results can be generalized to the case of the crossed topology.doi:10.1140/epjc/s2006-02478-9S. Groote...
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, vol. 37, no. 9, pp. 1169-1178.Xie, G. Z., F. L. Zhou, J. M. Zhang, X. S. Zheng, C. Huang. "New variable transformations for evaluating nearly singular integrals in 3D boundary element method." Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements ...
Furthermore, Yager [64] proposed the 𝑞-ROFS, an extension of Atanassov’s intuitionistic fuzzy sets that is more flexible in a range of uncertainties inherent in the decision-making process, and then applied it in the integrals of Archimedean t-Norms and t-Conorms [68]. The following ...
Regional flood resilience evaluation of the wandering river basin of the lower Yellow River in Henan Province, China—based on interval intuitionistic fuzzy numbers and the discrete Choquet integrals. J. Taiwan Inst. Chem. Eng. 2023, 105161. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Yamashita, S.; Naruse, ...
[52] further used the distribution of cumulative frequencies and concepts of fuzzy integrals to integrate expert opinions into fuzzy numbers. This process is known as fuzzy Delphi. 3.3.1. Constructing Triangular Fuzzy Numbers With reference to the use of triangular fuzzy functions by Hsu [53] to...