机器学习模型评价(Evaluating Machine Learning Models)-主要概念与陷阱 前言 本文主要解释一些关于机器学习模型评价的主要概念,与评价中可能会遇到的一些陷阱。如训练集-验证集二划分校验(Hold-out validation)、交叉校验(Cross-validation)、超参数调优(hyperparameter tuning)等。这三个术语都是从不同的层次对...
the existing metrics cover a variety of tasks spanning from NLP to Computer Vision, and include dataset-specific metrics for datasets. With a simple command likeaccuracy = load("accuracy"), get any of these metrics ready to use for evaluating a ML model in any framework (Numpy/Pandas/PyTorch...
在线测试不同于离线测试,有着不同的测试方法以及评价指标。最常见的便是A/B testing,它是一种统计假设检验方法。不过,在进行A/B testing的时候,会遇到很多陷阱与挑战,具体会在本文后面进行详细介绍。另一个相对使用较小的在线测试方法是multiarmed bandits。在某些情况下,它比A/B testing的效果要好。后面会进行具...
Today, machine learning (ML) models are recognized as one of the useful tools in time series predictions. In this study, the groundwater condition of one of the most important aquifers in northwest Iran was investigated using MODFLOW, followed by estimating the groundwater resource index (GRI) ...
Another type of hyperparameter comes from the training process itself. Training a machine learning model often involves optimizing a loss function (the training metric). A number of mathematical optimization techniques may be employed, some of them having parameters of their own. For instance, stocha...
Evaluating a learning algorithm 1. Design what to do next 在预测房价的学习例子,假如你已经完成了正则化线性回归,也就是最小化代价函数J的值。假如在你得到你的学习参数以后把它应用到放到一组新的房屋样本上进行测试,发现在预测房价时产生了巨大的误差。
Evaluating Web Search with a Bejeweled Player Model 在信息检索技术研究中,评价指标的设计是对检索系统进行评价的重要一环。而在评价指标的建模中,估计用户的期望收益与期望付出是搜索用户行为模型的关键组成部分,用户在实际搜索会话中终止条件的判断会同时受这两方面的影响。 但由于受模型框架限制,当前几乎所有信息检...
You should always evaluate a model to determine if it will do a good job of predicting the target on new and future data. Because future instances have unknown target values, you need to check the accuracy metric of the ML model on data for which you alr
To extract more information about model performance the confusion matrix is used. The confusion matrix helps us visualize whether the model is “confused” in discriminating between the two classes. As seen in the next figure, it is a 2×2 matrix. The labels of the two rows and columns are...
🤗 Evaluate: A library for easily evaluating machine learning models and datasets. - huggingface/evaluate