In this assignment, I have built and evaluate several machine-learning models to predict credit risk using free data from LendingClub. Credit risk is an inherently imbalanced classification problem (the number of good loans is much larger than the number of at-risk loans), so I needed to empl...
pycorrector is a toolkit for text error correction. 文本纠错,Kenlm,Seq2Seq_Attention,BERT,MacBERT,ELECTRA,ERNIE,Transformer等模型实现,开箱即用。 - pycorrector/examples/ at master · Garym713/pycorrector
Evaluate models and calculate performance evaluation measures
Model connectivity & developmentEvaluate a modelEvaluate modelsEvaluate model performance in code In Foundry, the performance of an individual model can be evaluated in code by creating one or moreMetricSetsfor that model. This page assumes knowledge of theMetricSetclass. ...
Evaluate a saved convolutional network There are a few things to consider with models trained on images. At this point the transformations are not part of the model, so subtracting the mean has to be done manually. Another issue is that PIL loads images in a different order than what was ...
我们常使用grid search或类似方法 (seeGrid Search: Searching for estimator parameters,翻译文章: ,在grid search过程中,我们希望找到使validation sets最大的score相应的超參数组合。(注意,validation sets一旦使用,对于模型就是有bias的,所以对于generalization,...
A common and simple approach to evaluate models is to regress predicted vs. observed values (or vice versa) and compare slope and intercept parameters against the 1:1 line. However, based on a review of the literature it seems to be no consensus on which variable (predicted or observed) sh...
Factual Knowledge:Evaluate language models’ ability to reproduce real world facts. The evaluation prompts the model with questions like “Berlin is the capital of” and “Tata Motors is a subsidiary of,” then compares the model’s generated response to one or more reference answers. The...
The cv command will print the best model on the validation set. Then you can evaluate that model in your test action on the final test set. Monitor the error on a held out set during training To monitor the error on a held out set during training specify a "cvReader" section inside ...
model = models.__dict__[name]().to(device) dsize = (1, 3, 224, 224) if "inception" in name: dsize = (1, 3, 299, 299) inputs = torch.randn(dsize).to(device) total_ops, total_params = profile(model, (inputs,), verbose=False) print("%s | %.2f | %.2f" % (name,...